Lizards and Doctors


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All.

Had my docs apt today which was ok. Just went to tell them i was pg. The doctor was really nice actually and said that my previous miscarriage should be forgotten and that this is completely new and i am happy and relaxed then baby will be better off. :D

Strange really as last pg i went to see a young female doctor. All she did was say congrats i'll pass your details on to midwife and that was it. This doctor was male and alot older and he talked about drinking, smoking and loads of do's and dont's. Whjich i though was nice considering i probably won't see the midwife for a couple of weeks.

My fault for sterotyping but i would have thought it would have been the other way around. :?

Anyway, the midwife will ring my mobile when she is free to sort out an appointment, sooner rather than later i hope. :)

The other thing i need to know is can pregnant women handle lizards????
Does anyone else have a lizard?? I have a leopard gecko and i know some lizards can carry salmonella so you have to make sure you wash your hands etc. I just wondered if anyone knew anything about handling lizards during pregnancy?? :think: :think:

Love to all,
Lau & Peanut 8+2
hiya, glad things went well at the doctors, unfortunately I haven't a scooby about the lizard thing, try googling that the only thing I can think of!
glad all went well with the docs, sorry cant help with the lizard! x
Glad your appointment was ok at the docs. I wnet today too and my doc (female) was pretty much the same - happy for me but not too much info - she only mentioned the do and don'ts it in brief as I was leaving. I told her my fridge was full of non-alcohic wine and she said not to worry about the occasional glass - such conflicting advice!

Re the lizards - not a clue. Maybe invest in some of that disinfectant hand stuff they use in hospitals now to prevent mrsa - that gets rid of most germs I think.

Get a box of disposable latex gloves to use when handling your Gecko, feeding him etc and also wear dust mask with the gloves when cleaning him out.

Throw the gloves away after you've used them once. Then was hands in antibac soap. Morrisons and Asda do good antibac soap in squirty form that does the trick.
Thanks guys,

We have the squirty disinfectant for hands next too the viv. i thought that was a good idea. :D And DP will responsible for the cleaning out! :lol:

It would just be a shame if i had to miss out on handling her, she is only a baby and i don't want her to not know me. :(

HI, Resident vet nurse here!! yes you do need to be careful when handling any reptiles as they can sarry salmonella.
However as long as you was your hands after handling - or even wearing gloves the risk is reduced.
I was the main vet nursing dealing with the reptile section when i was a work and i continued this up until 8 months pregnant after which i was signed off work anyway.

Leopard Geckos are quite cute.
Aww thanks,

Not many people like reptiles, i think they are fascinating!

Wow you are lucky, what a great job, i'd loved to have been a vet nurse but it never really happened for me.

I used to work at a kennels and cattery though which was great. And i worked woth big cats for two weeks doing a behavioural study for my animal management HND. That was amazing!!

Anyway thanks for the advice!


Glad it went well hope you have a great pregnancy.
Bernie and i used to have a lizard about a year before we had Kiara but it died i have no idea why :( he was so cute too, i still think it was my brother and his friends :twisted: they always took him without asking grr
It is nice that you are still gonna hold him i think its important or he might not attach to you proper.

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