Got my fist appointment


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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:cheer: :cheer: well I've just rang my docs and got my first appointment on Tuesday next week :cheer: :cheer:

Apparently I have to see the doctor first and then I get reffered to a midwife from there.

I assume the doc will do a pg test just to prove that I am pg....even though the 25 I've done myself aren't proof enough!! :rotfl:

Does anyone know what (if anything) else the doctor will do?


Congrats :cheer: :cheer:

Chances are your Doctor will take you at your word and not bother testing. Some do, some don't. Mind never did. Just said congratultions, asked me if it was planned, waited for my reply then took BP, worked out how far along I was from my last period date, gave me a due date from that and said to book in with the MW on the way out for when I was 8 weeks plus as they didn't need to do anything before then, so no point coming in too soon to see her. Explained that anything before then was really too soon. To take folic acid if I wasn't already and if I had any heavy bleeding and cramps before then to give them a call and come in, otherwise to not worry and see the MW for booking in at 8 weeks. That was it.

Depending on your MW service, some will expect you to book your own appointments, others will contact you, some are via your GP's surgery, others via local hospital. Check with your GP and see what they do there.
Mine didn't do anything! lol Not even a pregnancy test... Just talked me through my options and what will happen next etc :D

Yay! Congratulations, let us know how it goes xx
i was 8 weeks by the time i could get an appointment to see the doc!

she congratulated me, gave me a sample bottle so that i could do a pregnancy test (although i'd already done several) and referred me to the MW whom i saw when i was 13 weeks.

It differs from place to place really!

Hiya - I have my appointment on Tuesday too lol!!! Im glad you have asked this question as I was wondering what happened at the appointment.

Good luck

Kate x
Great news Chrissy :cheer: My doctor just congratulated us and made an appointment with the midwife :D I'm sure he'll take your word for it :D
MrsH said:

Hiya - I have my appointment on Tuesday too lol!!! Im glad you have asked this question as I was wondering what happened at the appointment.

Good luck

Kate x

:rotfl: :rotfl: Told you we were twins..... :rotfl:

My first app involved the doc putting one of those internal scanners up my hoo-haa :rotfl: only to be able to see a miniscule sac sitting there. Was cool to see it but would prefer a normal scanner, that you put on your belly... :shock:
Chrissy1 said:
MrsH said:

Hiya - I have my appointment on Tuesday too lol!!! Im glad you have asked this question as I was wondering what happened at the appointment.

Good luck

Kate x

:rotfl: :rotfl: Told you we were twins..... :rotfl:

Can we be triplets? I have my first appointment on Tuesday too! I am meeting my old midwife from my last baby. I presume that as this is baby number 2 I am missing the doctor part???

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