Little Monkey!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Drakes getting a little bugger for his bottles! I sit down to feed him and his hands are everywhere! He starts holding my fingers, then trying to prise them off then he starts slapping the bottle and when he manages to pull his bottle out of mouth he inspects the teat lmao. Then when he's bored doing that he'll move his head round everywhere to have a nose at what's going on..monkey!

Any of yours the same?
Yes!!! Nightmare isn't it! Looking around everywhere and then pushing the bottle in and out of his mouth and then laughing! Cheeky monkey!

sent from iPhone sorry for the typos!!
Lol, I sit down to feed mine and she waves her arms everywhere... mostly punching my boobs and her own face in the process! :D

Freddie has started pinging my bra strap when I bf him. When we bottle feed him his arms are all over the place and he is so nosey whether it's bottle or bf - I have to be ready with a cloth when he decides to look around for a bit when bf, it gets messy!
Zac likes to stroke my face then grabs it really hard all of a sudden, oh and pull my hair! If we are in a busy place I've got no chance of getting a bottle down him as he is soooo nosey! X
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Yes. Just started to this week. Hard to know whether they are hungery or not.

Cute but I am sure it is the start of things to come.
hahahaha! given our fb conversations this made me laugh even more!!!! josh is exactly the same!! xx
Haha! Go josh! It's mad how similar they are! Xx
its starting to spoo me out!! lol
my lo is exactly the same!!!!! =))))
Evelyn does this with my boob!! lol! She pulls and pushes it everywhere and then inspects my nipple with the most cofused look on her face! Weird child!
Hahaha, Bless her!

Mine has just started to bite the teat and pull it out of his mouth too. He thinks its ever so funny :lol:
Oh no Drake!

Devon opens and clothes his spare hand under my arm/back when brestfeeding and I have to keep trimming his nails and he sratches me up and down with it for some reason.

The other hand at the front likes to grab my top and pull it down! not great when out

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