Little advise please ladies


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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I'm 30 weeks today and little man has slowed down. He sounds ok on doppler but his movements have slowed. Could it just be a quiet few days or a growth spurt or any other suggestions xxx
Mine had energetic days and slow days around that time.
But if your worried at all, call the midwife x
It could just be another growth spurt! This happened to me about the same time and she was quiet for nearly 3 days! So I got checked because worrying isnt good for the baby! As soon as she got hooked up she was a little wriggler again! Lol!

If you worried then best get checked! Thats what the mifwife is there for :) xxx

If you are worried,then get checked out hun. Always trust your instincts.x
Lo one is ptob fine just cosy but def get checked if your concerned just for that piece of mind. Plus it's better to be safe xxx
I noticed this around the same time, went and got checked and he started playing football with the monitor :)

I think at the moment where they are growing so well and rapidly and the fact they are running out of room leaves it a bit decreased sometimes :)

If you r really worried they will monitor you if you call them xxx
My LO is behaving the same hun. Yesterday I got so worried nearly called hospital last night, but I was thinking I'd been so busy all day, painting and looking after my son I thought I've had no time to sit and relax, about 30 mins after sitting down she started moving again.

Honeslty though it'd gone about 24 hours and only felt one kick before she woke up last night, and that was coz I wobbled bump.

She's quiet again today, but am not going to worry... yet lol xxxx
Went through the same at that stage too, if you really feel worried in your gut then call your MW or the assessment unit for peace of mind but it seems most people have gone through similar at around that stage and that's a well known time when baby has another big growth spurt, another few days and you'll be getting jabs in the ribs that hurt! lol
or you will start to feel out of breath where they hoof all your organs u and out your mouth lol!! :)

Oh the glamourous lives we lead ..... xxxx
I've had days like this to and it is so worrying but often it's just a growth spurt- I'll upload what my midwife gave me in a new thread for anyone who might find it useful- my kick chart

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