Lilly Anne Judson - 28/11/10 (With piccies!)


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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This isn't a very pleasent story i'm afraid.... please don't let it un-nerve you.

Ok, so went into the hospital on the 27th at 12:00 to start my induction. Went on monitor for 30 minutes to check baby was all ok and then had the prostaglandin taablet inserted. :S An hour later, I was having full blown contractions.... only to be told that they were only artificial ones caused by the tablet. 6 hours later, I was examined to be told that it had done absolutely nothing. They were bloody painful and I spent most of the last few hours in tears with them. Apparently i'm really sensetive to prostaglandin! I did all that on paracetamol alone! I needed to have 2 goes with the tablet before they would break my waters but as I was still contracting at the end of the first 6 hours with no results, they had to use diamorphine to stop them and try again the next day. The diamorphine was great, I must admit but I then spent the next 6 hours bringing up everything i ate and drank including pain killers and sleeping tablets. :(

I was dreading the next day as you can imagine, so at about 11am, did it all again, monitor then tablet. Waited.....nothing. No contractions at all..... then all of a sudden at 4pm, bam, straight in with them. The midwife on at the time then asked if I wanted gas and air, I nodded so hard that my head almost fell off! Took me a while to get used to it but once I did, it was fab. Made me sound like Miranda Hart too, lol. They broke my waters at about 6pm and after that, I dilated the full 9cm in about an hour. The rest is a blur to me..... apparently I spent the next 6 hours or so screaming solid and I scared all the other women on the labour ward because I was so loud :(

Once my waters were broken, the gas and air stopped having any efffect, I remember that. They tried to get me to have an epidural because she was facing the wrong way (hense the pain). I was stubborn a said no, I just about allowed them to give me a half dose of diamorphine I think.

Then came the time to push her out and by this point I was just so exausted and I had nothing left to give. I spent 3 hours up in stirrups (great with SPD....not) just pushing and in the end, they had to bring in the forceps as her heartbeat was dipping with everycontraction. They even to give her a llittle cut on her head to check her blood oxygen level. They cut me to get the forceps in and as they were pulling her out, I got a 3rd degree tear which means i tore all up my perenium and the outside bit of my hole (TMI). I tell you this ladies to encourage perineal massage, I didn't do it and by god I wish I had! She arrived at 1:24am weighing in at 7lb 10oz.

Once she was out, they whisked me off to theatre to sew up the tear and I came out at 3am.

I spent the next few days in hospiital resting up but every time I closed my eyes, heard my screams and felt the pain all over again. It was a time of waking nightmares.

A few days later, I'm home all in one piece, if slightly damaged by the experience. Birth is definately something that has to be done to be beleived...

Piccies to follow!!



Seconds old!!!


Snuggling mummy in recovery.


Dressed for first outing!! Snow day!!
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Congratulations, glad you're home safely. Sounds like you managed really well considering! Hope you're not too traumatised :(
sorry for ur birth hun but congrats looking forward to seeing ur princess!! xx
Shes beautiful. Scary story and the tearing makes me cringe, thats what I dread most and Im not even pregnant! My OH's ex had a very similar experience to you and ripped her labia too and suffered afterwards for it. EWWWW lol
wow, wotta birth, well done u hun xx shes gorgeous xx
Wow you had it rough!! Well done you!! She's gorgeous!!
Well done, sounds very difficult!!!! Congratulations she looks so dainty!

wow well done on such a hard time x she is gorgeous xx
She's gorgeous, shame you had to go through all of that but I'll bet she's worth it :)

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