Light Shows ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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can anyone recommend a good one?

I want one for when India goes into her cot in her own room, and the rate she's growing out of her moses basket it won't be too long!!

I'd like one that's nice and calming and will help her drift off to sleep

Thanks x
We've got the whinnie the pooh light show. It has 3 different songs and projects image's onto the ceiling. I've found it really good x x
the fisher price ocean wonders is lovely - makes a really nice light display round the whole room with some nice lullabys x x
We had the Winnie the poor one for grace and it's wonderful! Still got it for this baby, it was a lifesaver and I honestly think it helped her learn to settle herself to sleep as it comes on if they start to cry or become unsettled xx
I couldn't do without mine!!

I have this one (Fisher Price Rainforest Waterfall Peek A Boo Soother) - It's brilliant for a baby who fights going to sleep!! We have had since he was 3 months old and he didn't seem to be sure to start with, and now it's part of his routene and no more bedtime screeming, or me hanging my head upside down into the cot pretending to be lying next to him!!

I press the button twice and he has gone to sleep by the time the next one is part way through, each press lasts 6 mins (3 songs , with lights and sounds), but you can have option of no movement , with lights and sounds for 12 mins a press, or just sounds for 18 mins too. I use the first 6mins to pop up let him know i'm still about , press it again and then disapear.
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