Light brown discharge...


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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So.... Had my scan yesterday, saw my little baby and the heart beat!! She saw some blood from implantation bleeding. Going back in a week to see it again, she said it could be absorbed or could come out.
Just had some very light brown discharge, anyone else had that before?
I am quite calm about it and reassured by the scan yesterday. Just hope it's not a sign of anything worse xxx
I would say it's what she's seen in the scan hunny. Have you got any pain? If it changes to red or you get any pain at all then ring the epu sweetheart. Am sure it's fine but just keep an eye on it :hug: xxxxxxxxx
I had brown discharge and light bleeding at 8 weeks, everything was fine though x
I've been having brown discharge for a few days, my midwife thinks it's implanation. She told me that around 7 weeks the baby burrows really deep into the lining. I agree with babybrain, keep an eye on it. You're not alone, i'm constantly checking and examining it!!!! The joys of pregnancy!! xxx
I'm having the same huni md's say if it's brown it's old I wouldn't worry huni big hugs :) xxx
Thais girlies, I was quite calm and still am, but you girls are the best! Xx
i've had brown/pink discharge for a few days, and i even had full on bleeding last week! but everything is fine as far as i know - saw the heartbeat. xx
Does everyone gat inplantation bleeding?! Ive not any show of anything blood like since last period :-S
I've not had any (touches wood) so not everybody gets it

Brown blood is old blood and sounds like implantation bleeding hunny xx
I had some discharge around week six which when I saw it, I couldn't think of a colour to describe it, but now that you said tan, that describes it perfectly. Only had a little and it wasnt brown but wasn't yellow but somewhere inbetween. So yes, I think I have had some of what you describe! Had a scan at 7+4 and all was fine xxxx

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