Brown Discharge

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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I have been getting light brown discharge today. Does anyone know if this is normal as im a bit worried it could be serious?? x
could it maybe be breakthrough bleeding?

Hope everything's ok.

I'm not sure, ive never had it before. Ive had white discharge alot so far but today its different, more browny! I'm just hoping its normal :( x
brown blood in your discharge is old blood but you should get it checked out it is also very common so try not to worry too much but i would say give your midwife a ring or your local epu in the morning
Best thing is to call your GP tomorrow. Just to be on the safe side!

I agree hun, brown blood is old blood but if your worried its best to get it checked out, let us know how you get on x x

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i agree with the other girls, it can be very common to have a bleed in pregnancy especially when your period would be, i bled with 4 out of my 5 children, but go to the doctor just to have a check over
I had this last week and went into panic mode and the following day I went to A&E but as I was so early on they couldn't do anything. It lasted just a couple of days but then eased off and thankfully hasn't happened since and still having symptoms xx
Thanks ladies! Got an appointment at 12.30 today at my docs so fingers crossed all is ok x
Ive got my fingers crossed for you hun, let us know how you get on x x

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I am to go thew hospital straight away for a scan to rule out it being an ectopic pregnancy :(
When he was feeling my stomach it was very sore in certain parts of my abdomen.
I am praying everything is ok, just waiting on my OH rushing home from work to take me to hospital. x
Awww good luck hun, let us know how you are get on x
I went for my scan and seen baby with heartbeat, and got a picture to take away. I am sooooooo relieved. When i lay down for the scan the fear that went through me was horrible, just watching the midwife and doc looking for baby. But all is well. Only problem I have is that in my urine it shows im becoming dehydrated so im to drink plenty of fluids. x
Fantastic news hunny :) glad everything is ok. Make sure you get some rest and drink lots and lots of fluids x x

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maybe the bleeding was your body's way of telling you something wasn't right which was you are dhydrated, great news about baby being fine
thats great news

i dont drink alot of can it harm??? i never knew this xxx
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Thanks for all your nice messages. Trying my best to drink more, just find it hard when i feel sick.
xshauna_bazx - it wont exactly harm the baby but if you become dehydrated and can make you quite unwell. Plus i think the more fluids you drink the better you feel. I have always been bad for drinking enough water etc x

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