Licking and Sucking


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2007
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Does anyone else's baby like to like and suck everything?? Ryan chomps on his dummy all the time and if he hasnt got that then he's sucking and licking his hands and if im burping him on my shoulder he licks a big wet patch on my top. or if his t-shirt is near his mouth he will lick and suck that to lol
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: sounds normal... wait till they have hand eye coordination... you can't hold anything then without them wanting it and putting it in their mouth... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yep! sounds familiar! Eva seems to have just discovered her tongue too, she licks anything that gets near enough, even OH's nose which was funny! :lol:

Think I am going to have to become a better housewife if everything is going to end up in her mouth! lol
James does this, whilst holding on tightly to a massive bunch of my hair :lol:
Sounds normal too me, wait till they do this then spew over you shoulder then grin at you :rotfl:
harry does it too, even sucks my hair if he gets chance :rotfl:
kyran still prefers to suck the carpet rather than hold his head up during tummy time! rug muncher! :rotfl:
Yep, if Daniel gets near my bare arm he will start sucking on it, sooooo cute :D
Luke's just started to put everything in his mouth and suck on it. This has just started literally over the weekend. It's quite amusing! :D
Itsnt except when you realise theyve been sucking on ure jeans for the last 10 minutes while you've been burping them and you have a huge wet patch lol. Ryan's a monster for pulling his dummy strap so the dummy pops out his mouth to!
Yep. Angel is a hand sucker, but she loves her kisses and she'll suck on your bottom lip when she can! Lol And when burping her she sucks on my neck and chest.

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