Lets pretend


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Does anyone else's baby do this? When Seren is in bed with me she keeps looking up at me to see if I'm awake. If my eyes are open I get a massive grin but if I quickly shut them she will think I'm asleep and eventually look away but keep glancing up every minute. Today when I couldn't cope with her I lay in bed with her and she was playing with her toy. I kept pretending to be asleep when she looked and she would go back to her toy (I'm so mean). Eventually I fell asleep for real and when I woke up she was flat out, poor wee mite must have got bored with me and decided to have a nap. She was still clutching her toy as well :(
I no what you mean. I used to do that with Josh when he was a bubba. If he woke in the night Id go into his room give him a quick cuddle and then sit by his cot and close my eyes. After a while hed do the same and fall fast asleep.
We've tried it with Ruby but she just bats you on the nose if you close your eyes as if to say "Hello Im here!!!"

Lol, that's so funny.

It makes me giggle, she looks up and really concentrates on my face then kind of does a little sigh and looks away. She is such a funny bean :D

lol Kiara is the same if my eyes areopen she wants to grin and swat at me if i close my eyes she will try and talk until she gives up and goes to sleep lol they can be so funny.
Alex just shouts louder.
We can still get Charlotte to have an afternoon nap when she's tired by laying down with her and pretending though
B does this all the time lol lil softy babies are so sweet aint they?
When Jayden sleeps with me sometimes when I wake up I have to sneak a peek at her, she looks up to see if I am awake and if I am she smiles too and then gets really noisy and smacks me in the face :roll: I have to peek though and then go back to sleep and I know she is going back to sleep too cos I can hear her sucking her fingers bless her. xxxxx

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