

Jul 9, 2007
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Is anyone else feeling lethargic? I am 10 weeks and up until now I have been feeling absolutely fine, basically no sickness, a bit constipated but overall very well. Now, all of a sudden I feel incredibly lethargic, it is more than just tiredness I feel down in the dumps and I can't concentrate on anything. I have been overreacting to everything (split some tea this morning and effectively threw a tantrum), which is not like me at all. My OH doesn't know if he is coming or going! Somehow I thought if I had got to 10 weeks without feeling tired or emotional then I would be OK all the way through but this has thrown me. Am finding I am incapable of work or any coherent thought.

Anyone else feeling like this?

Hi there Katee

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am feeling the same as you and am only 6+6. I am at work and could quite happily curl up under my desk and sleep. Also been feeling very unwell the last few days, no sickness yet just feeling really queasy all the time. This morning I bit dear hubbies head off cause he wanted me to eat some breakfast and all I could manage was a bannana, I felt so terrible cause I shouted at him for no reason. He was a little upset but understands. Sure its our hormones raging all over the place.

I have heard pregnant ladies complain of tiredness before but I never truely believed it was as bad as they made out - oh I take it all back now, I could sleep 24/7 if I was allowed! :rotfl:

Hope you are feeling ok now.
im feeling incredibly lethargic and dont really feel like doing anything, except laze about and sleep, even when im hungry i cant be bothered to eat anything . thats pretty lethargic! but my mood is ok probably cos its all new and exciting still!
Me too, I have never known anything like it! nothing is getting done in our house cos I am usually the motivating (nagging!!) one, and I just cant be bothered!
OH comes in after work saying 'I'm so tired', and I'm like 'YOUR'E tired? try being me, mate!' not sure thats very helpful, but no-one has a clue how bad it is until it happens to them, I never believed it either!! :D
i think you should just be happy uve gone till 10 weeks before it hit ! think ive wanted to kill dh since about 3 weeks pregnancy lmao
You are not alone! I am also feeling extremely lethargic, sometimes it is a real effort to put one foot in front of the other.

Also my moods have been dreadful this past couple of weeks, I've been snappy and been crying at the drop of a hat.

This is all perfectly natural though, hormones are going mad and your body is working so hard for your new bean that it is only natural you feel exhausted.

You will feel better soon, and just remember even though some of these early symptoms can cause discomfort they are all signs that things are going well :hug:
Thanks everyone, good to know it isn't just me. I am trying to focus on the fact that I have my first scan two weeks tomorrow and that will make it feel all the more real and all the lethergy will be worth it.
I am really suffering with this. I have been signed off work for 3 weeks as I can hardly stay awake and I work shifts. :(
hunny ive been feeling spent for a month now..lol...yeah i hope it goes away later but it probably wont...sigh...ah well its just body making room and adjusting for baby

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