Less movements??


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

Should i be worried about baby's movements. The past couple of days he has been alot quieter. If i concentrate i can feel the odd sort of turning movement. But nothing compared to the usual kicks and pucnchs. I just feel the odd hard lump now again.

I think i am panicking as when i had the consultant last week he said as long as you are happy with baby's movements then we will leave it till the 21st. So i started thinking what his movements should be like and now i'm panickng that he has stopped moving as much. Bloody consultant making me worry!

How much should he be moving. If i look at bump it does change shape a bit, but just no real kicks, not surprising giving the lack of room.

I see my midwife friday and don't really want to go to the hospital for no reason!!

Any advice?

40 + 2
As the baby has so little room now my midwife told me to expect much gentler movements, rather than sharp kicks and punches. Only you can tell if it feels different honey and if you are worried then give the hospital a call?

Ours has a day unit where you can go in any time and be put on a monitor. The midwifes on duty made me promise to come in any time I was worried and not sit at home..... worrying!

it is what we pay our taxes for after all so you might as well put your mind at rest! :hug:
Hi Lau,

I think I posted about this last week. My baby has definitely slowed down in its movements, and I am putting it down to the fact that there is very little room in there now. Also, dh seems to remember this happening just before labour of all 3 of my other babies too (that seems to have slipped my mind though). I am sure I have read at some point that some babies reserve their energy towards the end in the build up to the effort needed for labour - I am hoping this is true!!

Just make sure that your baby is responding to all the usual things. If I give mine a poke, it will almost always give a kick in response, and when I drink or eat something really cold (icecream/lolly), it starts to squirm around, so I know that everything is okay.

I can go nearly the whole day without noticing any movements at all, but all I need to do is give it a poke and I know its fine.

Hope it's the end for us both really soon. It's awful going over due!

Heather x
hey hun....

as long as your feeling movement i would say all is okay, but then again i get like that, as soon as i wake up i try and feel her move, or just poke her... have you tried to poke him and sake your belly a little, it works for me

but if you are truly worried then get it checked out.. for def


let us know how it goes :wink:
As your DD drws nearer you will find the baby has less movements, and kicks and punches less as they are runnig out of room.
Hope so,

I'm going to have some lunch and see if he moves more then. And give him a few pokes.

Will keep you updated.

My LO has been quieter the past few days too...thinking the heat and being more squashed up in there doesn't help matters. I've listened with the doppler and found the heart beat straight away, strong, constant etc and he's had a little fidget while I had lunch on the sofa so I'm guessing nothing to worry about I have my 32 week check tomorrow I'll be asking about this then.

I also heard LO's movements slow down before labour apporaches , hopefully LO will come in the next few days!!
I think it's quite common for the movements to become less frequent as the baby gets bigger and more confined for space towards the end of the pregnancy.

If you are worried though could youperhaps ask your GP to check the baby's heartbeat? I'm sure he's fine but it's always good to get your worries checked out.

Had a chicken curry and glass of milk for lunch and felt a few big rolls and when i shook my belly i also got a bit of a response so i think he is just fighting for space in their!

Poor thing, lol!

hope u both have your babys sooon as u both are overdue :)
mine can come from 36weeks onwards :)

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