less movement


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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i have noticed that little man is more active in the evening but last night he didnt kick or move at all havnt felt him really since sunday. Im worried i dont think placenta position would make much difference as at scan it was behind him so that wouldn stop me feelin it. Im scared hes died
My LO dramatically stopped moving at around 23/24 weeks as apparently they go through a growth spurt but I could still feel 10 movements over the day. If your worried ring your midwife it's what she's there for! Hope everything is ok!

Try not to worry. At ur stage they hit a growth spurt which means less movement.
My MW said to aim for 10 small movements a day. She said if u feel babys movements have decreased, sit down and have an ice cold drink... that should get a movement from them. Will take a few big sips before it reaches baby.
I had this about 2 or 3 weeks ago and really panicked me but once a cold drink hit my belly it got it squirming.
I also find lying on my back or just propped up with a pillow and giving my bump a strongish massage also gets a reaction... I use the tips of my fingers and push down as Im massaging.
Give those a go and give ur MW a call if ur worried :)
I had the same thing as Pinky last week when LO went really quiet for a few days, I still felt about 10 movements a day but it did freak me out. I would ring your MW or the advice line my pack say it opens at 9am - your in plymouth too aren't you? x
My little man has been quiet past 3 days but still have felt him atleast 10 movements over the day /sometimes I just sit quiet for a while if I haven't felt him and he will start wriggling. If ur worried like others said ring mw. They do a lot of growing at this stage which knakers them out x

thanks for your replys panic over little man has woken up! Thank god that completly scared me. I thought tri 2 was ment to be easier i have a feeling i will be stressing until he is in my arms
Yeh I am the sane if I don't feel him for 30 mins I get worried lol

joys of motherhood already lol worrying over our lo. i had the same thing yday. my lo goes mad when im eating and yday didnt do much and my oh was off sick with a stomach bug so i was told him and he even bent over to my bump and was like come on you your worrying your mum lol got 2 lil kicks after that. but after that didnt feel much only when i thought of calling mw. back to normal 2day though. what lil monkeys out lo's are x
oh sweetie :hugs:

i get days like that all the time! sometimes bubs moves around like crazy and other days not so much.

try not to worry i know its hard. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
really active! He must have been tired out. Im sat here grinning little monkey! I love him
I was going to say, a growth spurt. Also, I believe they are supposed to sleep a lot round this stage, between 12-14hours per day sleep? (lucky them) x

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