Leg Cramps!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Erghhhhhh has anyone else got this?

Im actually finding it difficult to walk at the moment because my calves are so tight and full of cramp. It started the other night, I woke up in agony! Since then they really ache and are sore and I cant do alot cos stretching my legs makes it worse!

I think I need a wheelchair lol.

What can I do to help this? I thought it could be cos I havent done much walking lately and perhaps my legs are shutting down! :lol:
Me too :hug:
I woke at 3am with horrible leg cramp last night and my legs are both heavy and tired felling :( I have been doing too much- feeding and mucking out horses because my OH is working all the time :shock: so i thought it was but that a google search did say salt and calcium deficiency could make it worse so i'm off for some milk and a lump of cheddar!
ps- i'll be 'here' properly soon !
Don't know what helps then, sorry! You are not alone, i get then all the time, they are so painful i fly out of bed at night then hobble round for days after. I have heard they could be something to do with potassiam (sp) not to sure though.
Yeah I have been getting it now and again. I get it in my foot. Muscle feels like it is twisting. The other night woke poor hubby up with a fright when I started doing gymnastics on bed trying to hold foot towards me whilst lying down. Looked so stupid but it helps if i hold my foot like thats. He says if I do it again he is sleeping on Sofa !!!!!!!!!!!!

Try drinking whole milk. I have been having a glass a night and havent had it for a few nights.

Hannah X
I did google it earlier and a site said the cause isnt straightforward, it could be weight of baby causing pressure on leg muscles, restriction of blood flow due to pressure on blood vessels etc.

The site recommeded doing gentle exercises to stretch the muscles, lying on left side to help with circulation and warm baths.

The warm bath sounds the nicest :cheer:
I think that calcium helps? Are you drinking lots of milk?
I get these loads too Jaidy, it is agony! Let me know if you find anything that helps get rid of them.
The leg cramps have stopped for me now but I did get them loads from 30 to 36 weeks, especially at night and when I was resting.

I was told to have some miso soup which is high in naturally occuring salts and of course a foot and calf rub from the OH. It did help somewhat at the time.

I've not had leg cramps for a while now so they will stop for you too :hug:

LucyBee said:
I think that calcium helps? Are you drinking lots of milk?

Yeap plenty, thats what makes me think its not a calcium based thing :think:
also a lack of zinc can increase the chances of getting it, so try and eat some banana's, it might help
Jaidy, someone gave me a baby mag at work today and there was a piece about leg cramps. They said it could be lack of potassium so you should try and have a banana a day plus milk and that should help.
Worth a try if you can stomach a nana!
Il be turning into a monkey now then :D

Thanks Lucy, I like bananas anyway so wont be a prob, anything to try get rid of them!!
I had them so bad! One night my dh thought I was in labour I screamed so loud. Horrible things!
quinine in tonic water and bitter lemon is good - If you get cramps reguarly and are not pregnant you can get it in tablet form......

I am drinking a bottle of bitter lemon a day to stop cramping! But I do have an existing leg problem anyway which makes me suceptable....

Also a good old fashioned massage at the end of the day gets the blood circulating and helps you avoid getting the cramp....

Jaidy - couldn't believe it last night. Woke up at 4am with the worst leg cramps! Had to spring out of bed in agony!
I must have come out in sympathy for you!
Just been down to the shops and bought 4 pints of milk and 3 bananas!
NO way how weird!! Bless, you have been having sympathy pains for me! :wink:

Its nasty isnt it, kinda shocks you doesnt it????
I have something similar, i always wake up with it. I get so fidgety and have to keep moving and stretching my legs for ages.It is so horrible and keeps me awake. I am sooo tired right now. :sleep:
I had terrible cramp last night in my legs, and it wouldn't go for ages... I reckon it was the house move I did though
oooh I had this for the last half of my pg last time!

It was horrible :hug:

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