leg cramps


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
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Anyone else getting them? Ive been getting them since about 6 months but only some nights.. but other nights like last night theyre constant throughout the night, unless i keep my foot in a certain position they start again. In both legs :shakehead: My calves are really hurting this morning and are tender to touch from cramping all night..

Is there anything I can do to stop them or help them? or just something else I have to put up with? Im not complaining to much though as it seems when I get them I dont need a wee so much lol only got up for one wee in the night which is amazing compared to the normal 5 plus a night :dance:
I'm the same hun, been troubled with it for months and months now, too scared to straighten out my legs when I am half dozing knowing it will trigger it off again, at the antenatal class the other day the physio said there were a couple of exercises of leg stretches you can do. One was to lift from the ball of your feet up and do that a few times, the other was to stand with legs parted as if you were doing a warm up before you ran or did some exercise. xx
I get them as well but not too bad. I'm not sure what you can do to prevent them. I make sure I stretch my leg right out, also rotate my ankle a bit during the day.

I had them for a period back there, they weren't severe enough for me to go to the dr but my Chiropracter mentioned that it could be lack of magnesium & you can be prescribed tablets, they did this for her when she was pregnant.

Try drinking more water/tonic water as well.
I had 2 massive cramps in my right calf a few months ago, I was limping for 2 days afterwards they were that bad! I told my MW and she said it's part and parcel of pregnancy, it's because baby is draining us of everything! She did say up your dairy intake though if thats any help? I can feel when a cramp is coming now so I stretch my foot out as much as I can to stretch my calf right out and it stops. x
Sneaking here from tri 2, but i get them as well, I've had them for about a month, recently they've been getting really sore as well. i'm trying to stretch my calve muscles at night before i go to bed (thats if i remember!). If i sleep on one side after a while my leg cramps up and i have to move to my other side, then the other leg cramps up! Means alot of tossing and turning, it annoys oh :-( lol xx
I dont think I can up my dairy intake I drink about 4 pints of milk a day as it is as well as eat yogurts etc so wouldnt think it was lack of dairy. I know how to keep my legs so they dont start but as I doze off I move and they start again grr.. Oh well only 10 days until Im due so i guess ill just have to put up with it a bit longer.
I don't get cramps as such, but I wake up some mornings and my calves are sore, like i've been working out (um, I think not!).
I've had this too and I find having a bit of tonic water before bed really helps! So just keep a little bottle by your bed and have a few sips x

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