Leaving To Cry...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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I just feel so damn horrible! I left Avery in her moses basket crying for at least 40 bloody minutes!

She was in the kitchen with me and I had to get bottles sterilised, made up and dishes done so I put her in moses basket, patted her tummy as she was lying on her back, spoke to her, and she could see me but all this just made her scream more!

I'm only getting a chance to eat now (had to set her down again to make toast = more screaming) and I haven't even got washed yet!

How do you ladies manage day to day with a baby who just won't go to sleep by themselves and just want to be constantly held?

I've tried using a baby carrier but I didn't feel right using hot water so close to her while making up bottles and it does restrict movement etc when trying to get at sink to wash dishes...*sigh* x
I used to let Charley cry so I could get on with things. It really doesn't hurt them as long as their safe. I did find a swing really good though, he'd fall asleep in it then I'd get on with the housework! x x
I guess I'm just gona have to leave her to it as I'm just not getting anything done. She literally doesn't give up :lol:

I have a swing chair that plays music and she still cries. So I went out and bought her a bouncy chair at the weekend that vibrates and she cries in that too. I just don't think she likes being out of a pair of arms iykwim. x
oh hon, it is soo hard. I just didnt bother doing dishes or anything housey a lot of the time. kept O in his sling to make my lunch and a cup of tea etc. Even propped myself up on bed and had a snooze while he slept in sling. best of luck. xxx
My lo is the same, he's 5 weeks old and will only sleep being rocked in my arms or the mosses basket, he too cries in his swing and bouncy chair, ive taken to going for a walk everyday as I know he will get a good sleep in his pram, night time is the worst can take up to 2 hrs to settle him to sleep.
Try swaddling her first before putting her in the swing. X

I've tried swaddling her before to see if it gave her any comfort and she goes bananas :lol: She is so strong and likes to swing her limbs around.

I had to set her in her bouncer this afternoon around 15.30 cos I needed to get washed! And she squealed whilst I showered. Its just tough cos I have to walk 2 dogs alongside the pram in the mornings so it means I literally have to feed her, get her ready for the walk, do the 40min walk, then get back, sterilise bottles, make bottles, tidy up, fit some sort of meal in, then its time to feed her again!

Then I have to squeeze seeing to myself in there somewhere. I guess a routine will just fall into place once she learns to self soothe. x
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G was like this when he was little and I got by and got stuff done using a sling most of the time but also when I knew he was crying cos he was tired (I couldnt tell the difference in cries until about 2months) I would put him in his rocking seat thing and let him cry whilst I rocked him to sleep. I was luckier cos I bf so didn't have the hot water problem but I did manage to do most things in the kitchen with him on my front - just took a lot of care if there was anything hot involved.

It does seem really hard at this stage to get anything done for yourself - I had days where it was tough to get proper meals eaten - but it will get better and better and one day not too long from now you'll sit on here and answer someone's similar post and realise that you actually do have time to sort your own life out again :)

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