I'm with you with regards to the Cot Death. It really worried me, but I've come to accept that some things are out of our hands. I'm just making sure that I follow all the right procedures ie. light blankets (no duvet), putting baby at the bottom of basket/crib, on his back and luckily we don't smoke. After doing all that, we hope and pray for the best! It's very hard not to worry, but we'll do ourselves more harm than good by worrying.
I read your other post about sick/mucus - I understand that that'll contribute you your concerns. Perhaps you should lift the top of the mattress with a towel underneath - just so it's slightly tilted. It always helps baby breath more easily when mucus'ed up.
I didn't get much sleep last night either. Oscar unsettled all night. Leaves one feeling pretty poo'ish, hey? I'm camping out in my bed today and will sleep when Oscar sleeps. It's the only way I can cope - I have 2 other kids that need my attn - luckily hubby here to help out, but he goes back this afternoon. (works away all week)
Be kind to yourself... don't expect the impossible just yet and enjoy your beautiful little girl. Remember, she was that wee bitty early - just loads of cuddles will sort her in no time. You just make sure you eat well, drink loads of water/decaf tea and get plenty rest.
Thinking of you!
Let me know how you get on!!!
Emilia xx