Leaving for good


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
I'm going for good, i wont be back, i wont be replying to any threads i'm already on.

This was the only place i felt i could discuss things about my baby and how having her made me feel and be proud of mine and her achievements.

Now i feel i cant even do that
dont go!! r u ok!! i think i know what this is about do u wanna chat!! xxx
i think i missed something...?! :think: :think:

are you ok hon?

:hug: :hug:
What's this thread supposed to achieve apart from a gazillion 'what's happened' replies? :think:

If you've got a problem with someone, pm them. If it's a forum issue, pm a mod.
Why do people need to make such a big deal about things? If you have a problem say it!
I can't say there is a problem on this forum but if you don't like it, leave! The easiest way is to stay out of threads you don't like or if someone says something you don't like ignore it! Sorry, i just don't get why we need all the drama all the time. We're all supposed to be adults after all...
This thread isnt to make a drama, it's simply to explain that i wont be posting anymore in case anyone wonders where i have gone

I've deleiberatly not elaborated and dont intend to as theres no point.
I have no idea what this is about, but some good points have been raised. As I know nothing, I should stay out of the topic. Unfortunatly I never know when to keep my mouth (keyboard) shut.

So here it is, I cudnt help myself - Sorry!

all she said is she is leaving its not very nice calling people drame queens ect is it? instead you could just say bye ect. sorry just had to say that i usually keep my mouth shut.

take care hun :hug:
CoreysMummy said:
I have no idea what this is about, but some good points have been raised. As I know nothing, I should stay out of the topic. Unfortunatly I never know when to keep my mouth (keyboard) shut.

So here it is, I cudnt help myself - Sorry!


Simpyl justification for my leaving, thankyou
Sorry to see you go, hun :hug: :hug: :hug: I thought you gave good input to the forum..
You were going anyway... about 3 posts ago in fact!!

Take Care :hug:

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