Leaving for good

I'm pretty sure I know what this is about and why you are leaving. Please don't. I think that you need to just take what was said on a less personal basis. The person who said it is not in a good place right now and doesn't always come across as she means.

Stay, it would be silly to leave.
I just wanted to say I think its a pity your going hun.
You were a great help to me and many of the other girls through the tri's so thankyou!
I think your doing a fantastic job with tally and you should be very proud of yourself!
Good luck with everything and hope you come back soon! :hug:
:( I think I know why you are leaving.

I'm sorry you feel this way.
I can understand why you are upset but as Debbie said the person said it is not in a good place right now.

Please don't leave the forum.
lisa&alex said:
im really not sure what has happened. the only thing ive seen is that someone said your signature offended them when you put tally is 100% breastfed. i think you should be proud of the fact you breastfeed tally. its got nothing to do with anyone else. if they are offended by it then thats their problem. if there was anything else then ive missed it. at the end of the day you are a valued member of this community and you shouldnt leave because someone doesnt like your parenting, your opinion or whatever else.

we are all individuals leading different lives. people should learn to understand others ideas and lives. if we were all the same life would be boring. im pretty disgusted, grow up, dont you realise your words might effect someone. it is still a real person reading your comments. grow up and have a little respect.

by the way. i dont think you shuld leave claire.x

OMG this is pathetic i had no idea we had such people on the forum. Offended because her signature says her baby is 100% breastfed??????????????? OMG PEOPLE GROW UP!!!!! isn't that supposed to be a good thing????

having said that, i do wish claire's leaving post was clearer, and explained her reasons for leaving.

but bye and take care :hug:
mummykay said:
now i wanna know who said what

It was said by someone with very bad PND issues at the moment, and I don't think a witch hunt will help matters at all. ;)
I don't agree at all with what was said, but its a difficult one TBH.
Hiya Claire, Im sorry to hear your leaving sweetheart and will miss seeing the gorgeous pictures of Tally. I know we have not spoken much much but thats due to me being rude and not saying hi enough!

I think those of you that posted those rude pictures and comments......dont ever speak to me because I do not associate with bitches.

For what its worth Claire I dont think you should leave as your a valued member and a lot of people dont want to see you leave.
i think it is very sad that someone feels they have to leave but can i ask why the mods havnt put a stop to this thread, every forum i go on any bitching or down grading posts would be removed so why have these been left here for all to see and to make someone feel bad, why is it we have mods exactly :?
It is a tough one, I can actually see both sides. I think the fact it happened on a PND thread where everybody is feeling low kind of exacerbates it if you know what I mean.

Don't leave hun, nobody meant to upset you :hug: :hug: :hug:
hennaly said:
i think it is very sad that someone feels they have to leave but can i ask why the mods havnt put a stop to this thread, every forum i go on any bitching or down grading posts would be removed so why have these been left here for all to see and to make someone feel bad, why is it we have mods exactly :?

When we removed posts like that, generally people moan that we are censoring stuff and not letting people respond to it themselves.
The pictures were posted, and many people have said that they were out of order etc so surely its better for abcd to see that people are on her side, if she had seen the pics then I had just removed them, then she wouldn't know that people spoke out against them, and perhaps would feel worse.
We are all adults here, sometimes its best for the forum to be able to regulate itself instead of mods jumping on everything we don't like. The post in question about the signature is also still online also, speaking from experience, if mods removed everything they didn't like people would get the hump.

Also, there is a "REPORT POST" button if people are offended by a post....and no one has reported it.
Also I should add that I saw the pics late and lots of people had already responded to them... if I removed them then, I would have had to have gone through the whole thread removing all references to them to stop people asking what everyone was going on about.... which people don't like ;)
Urchin said:
When we removed posts like that, generally people moan that we are censoring stuff and not letting people respond to it themselves.
The pictures were posted, and many people have said that they were out of order etc so surely its better for abcd to see that people are on her side, if she had seen the pics then I had just removed them, then she wouldn't know that people spoke out against them, and perhaps would feel worse.
We are all adults here, sometimes its best for the forum to be able to regulate itself instead of mods jumping on everything we don't like. The post in question about the signature is also still online also, speaking from experience, if mods removed everything they didn't like people would get the hump.

Also, there is a "REPORT POST" button if people are offended by a post....and no one has reported it.


plus if a thread like this gets binned, then about 6 threads get put up askin 'why was it deleted' etc etc and it just gets silly
Well to be honest i think it just opens up a battle ground and people get hurt having said that i can see your reasoning and i guess it sorts the nice from the not so nice people, what a shame things like this happen.

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