Leaky nappies!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Nappies have seriously gone down hill over the years-I can never remember them leaking wen my other kids were tiny-only when they were bigger.
I started with pampers size ---leaked,swapped to buggies size 1--didn't leak as much but seemed really small,now on pampers size 2 (size 1 were gettin tight) and they're huge on him,I changed Jin yesterday,was just fastenin his vest when he peed and it leaked all down the side,checked positioning etc and all ok,same happened today,changed him then put him down for a sleep...5 mins later he's screaming cos he's wet-full change needed!!!!

Tips and recommendations needed xx
With this one, we use pampers. Had a few that have leaked by morning, but more the amour he wet during the night that the nappy. My daughter, 4 years ago, was also on pampers, til someone told me to try tesco own brand. They worked really well actually. If anything happens with pampers again I'll def go to tesco, but that was 2 years ago so duno if gone down hill! xx
Change the brand or type? IE pampers dry not active etc I've heard and experienced myself different nappies working better with different children ...odd isn't it. Caitlin was in active all the time and Megan seems to fit dry more. Some people find the cheaper brands better also, Morrisons seem ok, I'm now using their pullups on my eldest at night instead of the pricey pampers ones.
ive tried loads.... i dont mind asda little angels comfort dry... but i am back to my fave huggies comfort dry as theyre defo my fave... tbh im not sure if its cos shes chubby or what but ive never had leaks really :/ xxx
I found huggies to leak so now I use pampers baby dry and they last 12 hours at night with no leaks and find them brill! I've heard asda little angel's good but worried they might not last the night!
for the first week everything seemed to bloody leak, now i am in size 2 of everything as size one were coming up really small and since ive changed sizes i havent had any leaks, except one with asdas own little angels size 2 which arent great, so wont be getting them agian! but as presents from people i got 100 huggies size 2 and 4 packs of pampers size 2! so hope shes in size 2 for a while lol and hope they dont leak! or im gonna have a lot of wasted nappies x
I find pampers leak with LO, every flippin one of them! Ive been using huggies until last week cos she moved into size 3 and we had got3 packets of pampers, and oh my gosh its been the worst week ever, sooooo many outfit changes and washing is drivin me nuts, so were back to huggies from 2mo bugger the fact weve hardly used a lot of em,
My SIL said asda n tescos own are good, i wonder why some brands suits some babies and not others?

I'm gonna try huggies size 2 next-I found their size1's smaller than pampers so hoping their size 2 will b aswel-think I'm gettin the leaks cos the pampers r quite big round the legs. Although he's in the weight range for them he has a big tummy but skinny legs lol xx
Fraser's in size two - I'm not having any probs with piddles - it's the poos. They end up up his back every time. Tried Huggies and Morrisons own brand (and have loads left!) so lots of washing for me for the next week or so lol!! Fraser also likes to dirty outfits two at time. One poo up the back - change him ten mins to half an hour later and he bloody well does it again in the clean nappy and outfit!!!
I use pampers and they have occasionally leaked at the side binge I blame myself for not putting then on properly! I open the nappy out flat with the bits along the legs sticking out if you know what I mean? Make sure the flaps at side are straight and have honestly never had a prob since! Also make sure my little mans tail is pointing down xx
Pampers sizes 1 and 2 always leaked for us. Huggies were better but always seemed stiff and uncomfortable. The best size 1 and 2 were Tescos - I don't think we had a single leak! Size 3 tescos just didn't seem to fit right so we went back to Huggies for a while. Now cahal is in size 4 he's back in Pampers, no leaks yet (touch wood!) and nice and comfortable. It's hit and miss but well worth experimenting to find the right nappies for your LO :)
Huggies always leaked for me! Pampers sometimes leak If i haven't put them on properly But i usually use Tesco and i've never had a leak yet x
Huggies always leaked for me! Pampers sometimes leak If i haven't put them on properly But i usually use Tesco and i've never had a leak yet x
Huggies were the bane of my life! every nappy we had a leakage and the pee never seemed to soak in too well, the only problem I had with pampers size ones was that the poo seemed to ride up the back but went on to size two pampers which were fab and now on size three pampers and they are great too. huggies gave my babba nappy rash where as pampers really soaked up the wee well of donovan xxx
Pampers all the way for me Maisie is still in size 1 as she is soo skinny and they are coming up massive she was wearing premie ones in hospital x
i LOVE tesco but huggies is acctually cheaper most of times n very rarely leaks for me. pampers was a nightmare!

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