Good nights but crap nappies!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2011
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I'm really proud of my LO. As you lovely lot advised me weeks ago after a baaaaad night, she is starting to sort sleeping out all by herself! Originally LO would have feed about 10/11, then wake at 2, then around 5/6 . Asia newborn I was happy with this.

Now, J has a feed at 8/9, sleeps til 2 then bottle, then sleeps til 6/7. At 6 weeks old I'm happy!
BUT .... a few times she has slept through til 3, this morning was 3.45! And I think she would last longer if it werent for the fact her snappy keeps leaking :-/ J hates a dirty nappy, and I think this is waking her.

Any recs? Huggies leaked terribly so I tried pampers - same. Tesco seemed ok, but leaked this week. Could it be time to go up to size 2? (Sorry if stupid question!) Also, are the pampers stay dry nappies any good?
I'm a huge fan of the asda nappies. Never had a leak from them!
I'd go up a size hun! Usually does the trick when this happens xx
We are still in size 1 nappies but can't recommend the asda little angels enough. Hoping size 2 are just as good when we move up x
Thanks girls! Maybe a trip to asda in store for later then!

Another stupid question: do yr LOs bums ever feel damp (their cliches) when you pick them up, like they are sweaty? Last night was definitely alleaky nappy but sometimes I'm not sure if her bums just damp where she's hot, if that makes sense??
yeah they do get damp and sweaty if theyre too hot or if they work themselves up crying a lot. asda nappies are brill. id also go up a size if i were you hun, it wont hurt to do both
I think I'm going to get these asda nappies!! I've been using Morrisons They were fine for a while but starting to get leaks now!! X def up the size to 2 aswell.
Thank you! J is still so dinky I thought size 2s would be huge...just tried a Huggies size 2 (someone bought us a pack) and they're ok...the legs seem massive but let's see how we go!

And yes, all the raving about asda nappies .... I'm there today!
we are on size two, for the night though i use pampers baby dry, and occassionally she will sleep 8-4, never had a leak xx

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