last trimester taking forever??


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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30 weeks today and im finding the last while dragging in forever!! anyone else in the same boat?? any advice on putting the last 10 weeks in?!?! xx
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I think the 2nd tri goes on for aaaaaaaaaages! I remember getting to 30 weeks last time and it flew to 36 then dragged again....
Knitting? :lol:

I never got beyond 35 weeks but it dragged the last 5 weeks that was for sure :doh:
lol well if 6 weeks goes quik thats not too bad!!

lmao knitting?!?! lol nooo wayyy last time i knitted was a blanket for the 3rd world when i was 11 - lets say mum had to buy a knitted blanket for me to give lol !! :D it does seem to b dragging ages tho xx
I remember doing something for third world too :rofl:

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Can anyone give me something to do to help slow down my 3rd tri?! It's going way too fast.. Due date is creeping up on me :rofl:
Tell Lisa your secret Febmum :lol:
I think it may be the time of year I fell pregnant, lots of things to break it up.. Birthday, Halloween, Xmas etc.. Am starting to want Bernards watch :rofl: If anyone even remembers that being on tv!
:eh: i've watched many's a thing but not that :lol:

Whats it about? Who's in it?
Haven't a clue still, I must be too old :cry: The kids will know I'm sure :lol: *like that will make me feel better * :rofl:
:rofl: Aww Mamafy :hug: you are as young as you feel!.. On that note, how is the treadmilling going? :cheer:
:oops: :shhh: Not well, not at all :(

I got sick last week and then that was it, who can treadmill when you're sick :lol:
Enjoy the weekend.. I'll be on your case come Monday! :rofl:
I think it's flown in since my anomaly scan. I like that I've been able to focus on Christmas and New Year to break up the time. After the new year I have my sisters birthday to think about but after that it's the home stretch! xx
the whole thing flew by for me!! i never got that feeling where you sit rocking in a darkened room wanting the baby to come now!! even the friggin labour flew by!!
If I'm honest I'm the complete opposite! My whole pregnancy has just flown by! Feels like only yesterday we had a BFP!

I wonder if it differs if you were actually TTC than if it was an accidental pregnancy??

I can imagine it drags for the ladies who'd been trying :( ! Whereas ours was a complete unplanned shock so I've sorta just been ambling through and not really thought about how long I've been pregnant! I'm due in 2 weeks and its just like WOW where has the time gone?!



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