Lactulose with tmi so be warned.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Has anyone tried it and did it have any side effects?

I had a terrible day on Sunday and couldn't go to the loo even though I really needed to. Very painful. To cut a long story short after I failed to get hold of the MW DH went to the chemist and got some lactulose over the counter.

Anyway I just about managed to go. Afterwards I took lactulose and some prune juice. It says that it takes 2-3 days of taking lactulose for it to have an effect. However I had an effect later the night! Also my stomach felt very Unsettled the rest of the night and today. My stomach has only just calmed down a bit and I was sick this morning. Just wondered if anyone else had issues with lactulose?
I personally hate lactulose. I've seen some severe diarrhoea with it at work and I wouldn't personally take it. It does work, I'm not disputing that but I always think the doses are too high. I have seen it cause griping pains in the bowel but these should wear off eventually.
If I did ever take it I would take less than the recommended dose xxxxxxxxx
I have to admit I didn't expect such a reaction so soon. I've knocked it on the head and am hoping the prune juice does the trick instead. Next time I experience anything like that it better be because of giving birth.
Lol it's strong stuff. Try eating fruit and veg that's only in season if you can, I took this advice from a Chinese doctor to help with my ibs and it helps a lot xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks I'll give anything a try after that experience.
why didnt it do anythin for me didnt work at all. Thankfully i no longer am constipated
I went and bought some on the recommendation of the MW after I told her sometimes I could wait a week to go. Haven't used it yet as have had to take it before and hated the nasty stuff!
It was a godsend to me in Tri 1!!!!

However I didn't take the large dose recommeded by the doctor, just half!!
Lactulose has no effect on me. The best thing I find when im feeling particularly "bunged up" is a pint of orange juice before bed. Always brings predictable comfortable relief for me in the morning.xx
It might have been the prune juice that got you moving in the evening not the prune juice lol. I much prefer something like fibogel to lactulose but lactulose is pretty harmless.
or weetabix, that's always a winner but I'm not a brekkie person

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