Labour Story! - Theo


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2016
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Hi guys,

So this is my very long, overdue labour story! Explaining how my little man, Theo made his entrance into the world.

He was born on the 27th October at 15.55 weighing 7lb12oz, exactly 2 weeks late.

So here goes!

On my due date (Thursday 13th October 2016) I had a consultant appointment at the hospital I had recently changed over to (Derby Royal) due to me moving house. Whilst seeing the consultant, they gave me an internal examination and also scheduled me in for an induction at 12 days post. Me being the person I am thought, *Nah I won't go over, I'll have a natural labour, I won't need to be induced* OH how wrong I was....

So 12 whole days went by and there was no show of my baby arriving any time soon. My mum had arranged to come up the day before my induction date as I wanted her as my 2nd birth partner. So she arrived from Bristol on the Monday.

Tuesday morning came around, and I had been scheduled for my induction at 8am, so I got myself up and ready and got the last few bits packed in my bag and my partner drove me to the hospital where I met my mum there and we checked in at the labour ward. The feeling I got, was almost like the feeling I have before going on holiday, a flutter of excitement! I wasn't nervous, I was just completely ready to meet my son.

So at 8am, I was put in an induction unit, rigged up to the CTG and had my sons heart rate monitored for half an hour, I was also internally examined where they confirmed that I was still posterior and only 3/5ths engaged, so in they popped the Propess Pessary and explained the procedure. Again, I thought *Ahhh, this will start working surely, I would of given birth by tonight right?*

So I'll fast forward 24 hours.... The pessary was still in, and yet still no baby. So this was about 10am on the Wednesday and I was exhausted after sitting awake all night waiting for something to happen, not to mention sharing a ward with 3 other loud women in all different stages of labour isn't exactly the most quiet environment.

So the doctor came in to take the pessary out and check my cervix. They confirmed I was only 2cm dialated but they didn't want to pop my waters for a further 6 hours, so in went in the pessary again, which was excruciating. At this point, I broke down.

6 hours later, at around 4pm on the Wednesday, the pessary was removed and the doctor popped my waters, she explained that she would move me to the delivery room and rig me up to the oxytocin drip to bring on my contractions. I waddled to the delivery room, got straight on the gas and air and before long I was wailing in pain. I was offered the pethidine which I could of snapped the midwifes arm off for, yet within half an hour I was begging for an epidural. The anaesthetist took an hour to get to me as he was in theatre and then a further hour setting everything up and putting all my tubes in, doctors were coming and going constantly, examining me and checking the heart rate. I was still having to use gas and air to top up the epidural, by this time it was 11pm and I was only 4cm dilated, I was so upset.

So fast forward again to 6am Thursday morning, I'd gotten to 8am which was a step in the right direction, I was started to feel motivated again, but the epidural was wearing off and I was in a lot of pain again so I had to wait a further hour for the anaesthetist to top me up. by then it was 8am and I was STILL 8cm, then 12pm came by, STILL 8cm... At this point both me, my mum and my partner were all having a breakdown and getting upset as I was so unbelievably exhausted. I was informed that If I hadn't processed to full dialation by 2pm I had to have a C-section.

So by 2pm, I was fully dilated, so it was time to push.

An hour went by, and nothing. I was using all the energy I had to push, yet the pethidine had made me so sleepy, that I was falling asleep between contractions. Before I knew it, the room flooded with doctors and about 5 midwifes, the doctor explained that as I had been pushing for an hour, they had to intervene, yet had no time to wheel me down to theatre so had to do a forceps delivery in the birthing room. They perfomed an episiotomy and in went the forceps to pull out my baby. Within another 3/4 attempts of pushing, Theo Patrick made his arrival.

I was flooded with emotions, mainly relief, but also shock that I had this small baby thrown onto my chest which I waited SO long for.

As amazing and worth it Theo is, to top it all off, I lost nearly a litre of blood so had to be put on the High Dependency Unit for monitoring, I was on the cusp of needing a blood transfusion.
As I was awaiting for my epidural to wear off, I couldn't help but feel that I couldn't bond properly with Theo and in all honesty, I felt that he had put me through so much, my emotions were running riot, I love him so much, but I had gone through so much. Luckily, 30 hours later I Was discharged to go home and I couldn't be happier to start family life with my little boy.

8 weeks later, he is thriving and I am so in love. It has taken a long time for me to get there, I am suffering currently with Post-natal depression and have been given medication and may be going under some cognitive behaviour therapy sessions to help come to terms with what happened. I never thought labour would be so traumatic and I can honestly say it is something I never want to experience again and it has changed me as a person, but I am getting better and not once have I regretted Theo in the slightest. Maybe the traumatic labour will make me the great Mum I am striving to be. He is amazing and wonderful and his personality is blossoming so much every day.

I wanted to share my experience with anyone else that has gone through a hard time, not only through labour, but post-natally.

Thanks for listening.


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This is a beautiful labour story but I'm so sorry you had such a hard time! My first was slightly similar but ended in a c section and I also suffered with pnd. You will have people say "all that matters is that baby arrived safely" and of course whilst that is absolutely true it does not take away the pain of a traumatic labour and I would definitely recommend asking for a debrief to get some closure on your labour.

He is absolutely beautiful and you did an amazing job!!! Well done you cv
Congratulations, Theo is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your birth story, I love reading them. So sorry you had a tough time, hope you continue to feel better, well done you for going through so much to get your lovely boy x
I had a very similar experience to you. My contractions/labour progressed as normal but I couldn't push my baby out, I had been trying for two hours before they put me on a drip as my contractions had started to slow down. Before I knew it, the forceps were out, I lost a lot of blood and suffered a third degree tear. I had to go to theatre right after the birth for them to stop the bleeding and sort the tear out. It was a very tough time but got through it xx
Hi guys,

So this is my very long, overdue labour story! Explaining how my little man, Theo made his entrance into the world.

He was born on the 27th October at 15.55 weighing 7lb12oz, exactly 2 weeks late.

So here goes!

On my due date (Thursday 13th October 2016) I had a consultant appointment at the hospital I had recently changed over to (Derby Royal) due to me moving house. Whilst seeing the consultant, they gave me an internal examination and also scheduled me in for an induction at 12 days post. Me being the person I am thought, *Nah I won't go over, I'll have a natural labour, I won't need to be induced* OH how wrong I was....

So 12 whole days went by and there was no show of my baby arriving any time soon. My mum had arranged to come up the day before my induction date as I wanted her as my 2nd birth partner. So she arrived from Bristol on the Monday.

Tuesday morning came around, and I had been scheduled for my induction at 8am, so I got myself up and ready and got the last few bits packed in my bag and my partner drove me to the hospital where I met my mum there and we checked in at the labour ward. The feeling I got, was almost like the feeling I have before going on holiday, a flutter of excitement! I wasn't nervous, I was just completely ready to meet my son.

So at 8am, I was put in an induction unit, rigged up to the CTG and had my sons heart rate monitored for half an hour, I was also internally examined where they confirmed that I was still posterior and only 3/5ths engaged, so in they popped the Propess Pessary and explained the procedure. Again, I thought *Ahhh, this will start working surely, I would of given birth by tonight right?*

So I'll fast forward 24 hours.... The pessary was still in, and yet still no baby. So this was about 10am on the Wednesday and I was exhausted after sitting awake all night waiting for something to happen, not to mention sharing a ward with 3 other loud women in all different stages of labour isn't exactly the most quiet environment.

So the doctor came in to take the pessary out and check my cervix. They confirmed I was only 2cm dialated but they didn't want to pop my waters for a further 6 hours, so in went in the pessary again, which was excruciating. At this point, I broke down.

6 hours later, at around 4pm on the Wednesday, the pessary was removed and the doctor popped my waters, she explained that she would move me to the delivery room and rig me up to the oxytocin drip to bring on my contractions. I waddled to the delivery room, got straight on the gas and air and before long I was wailing in pain. I was offered the pethidine which I could of snapped the midwifes arm off for, yet within half an hour I was begging for an epidural. The anaesthetist took an hour to get to me as he was in theatre and then a further hour setting everything up and putting all my tubes in, doctors were coming and going constantly, examining me and checking the heart rate. I was still having to use gas and air to top up the epidural, by this time it was 11pm and I was only 4cm dilated, I was so upset.

So fast forward again to 6am Thursday morning, I'd gotten to 8am which was a step in the right direction, I was started to feel motivated again, but the epidural was wearing off and I was in a lot of pain again so I had to wait a further hour for the anaesthetist to top me up. by then it was 8am and I was STILL 8cm, then 12pm came by, STILL 8cm... At this point both me, my mum and my partner were all having a breakdown and getting upset as I was so unbelievably exhausted. I was informed that If I hadn't processed to full dialation by 2pm I had to have a C-section.

So by 2pm, I was fully dilated, so it was time to push.

An hour went by, and nothing. I was using all the energy I had to push, yet the pethidine had made me so sleepy, that I was falling asleep between contractions. Before I knew it, the room flooded with doctors and about 5 midwifes, the doctor explained that as I had been pushing for an hour, they had to intervene, yet had no time to wheel me down to theatre so had to do a forceps delivery in the birthing room. They perfomed an episiotomy and in went the forceps to pull out my baby. Within another 3/4 attempts of pushing, Theo Patrick made his arrival.

I was flooded with emotions, mainly relief, but also shock that I had this small baby thrown onto my chest which I waited SO long for.

As amazing and worth it Theo is, to top it all off, I lost nearly a litre of blood so had to be put on the High Dependency Unit for monitoring, I was on the cusp of needing a blood transfusion.
As I was awaiting for my epidural to wear off, I couldn't help but feel that I couldn't bond properly with Theo and in all honesty, I felt that he had put me through so much, my emotions were running riot, I love him so much, but I had gone through so much. Luckily, 30 hours later I Was discharged to go home and I couldn't be happier to start family life with my little boy.

8 weeks later, he is thriving and I am so in love. It has taken a long time for me to get there, I am suffering currently with Post-natal depression and have been given medication and may be going under some cognitive behaviour therapy sessions to help come to terms with what happened. I never thought labour would be so traumatic and I can honestly say it is something I never want to experience again and it has changed me as a person, but I am getting better and not once have I regretted Theo in the slightest. Maybe the traumatic labour will make me the great Mum I am striving to be. He is amazing and wonderful and his personality is blossoming so much every day.

I wanted to share my experience with anyone else that has gone through a hard time, not only through labour, but post-natally.

Thanks for listening.

Congratulations to your family! You are beautiful!

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