kwik question....


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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hi every1, dont u just hate AF lol!!

i was due AF on sunday and she arrived on saturday morning, quite heavy for the day {usually heavyish for about 3 days} but by sunday early dinnertime about 11ish she had gone.. started getting brown discharge wen i wipe not much but a bit and only wen i wipe...

felt sick LAST NIGHT and the same TONIGHT, but no other symptoms....

she confuses me duz AF lol
Hiya Sarah

How long does your af normally last? It could be implantation bleeding have you done a test?

When I was pg, I had what I thought was a full blown af, which lasted for same length as a normal af (if that makes any sense) but was actually implantation bleeding - might be worth doing a test to see what is going on??

hiya lindsay

my AF usually lasts 3 or 4 days.. the 1st 2 days r usualy quite heavy and the 3rd day is 'normal to light, then thats about it brown stuff for a few days{tmi lol}, but im usually as regular as clock duznt usually change like sum AF usually stays the same...

probably nothing i suppose !!!
Good luck, I hope that it turns out that you are pg!!!!!!

Where abouts in teesside are you from?

Hi Sarah, thats what happened to me this time round. I started AF like a normal bleed and it was quite heavy for the whole day and the next day it was like spotting and then turned brown. I found out it was implantation bleeding. I would never of thought. I just thought it was a very short cycle. Did a test the day I was due and sure enough i was pregnant.
Good luck, it does sound very promising.
All my love Jacqui. x x x x
i now have wot feels like belly ache but its right at the bottom of my stomach just above bikini line!

did a test but all i cud see was the last line to say it had worked and a clear line where it says positive or negative.. i cud actually see the clear line where the results supposed to be... i no its a negative ...

never mind theres always this month

I am probably being really thick!!! but not sure what you mean when you say you can see the clear line, the tests that I have done in the past that were negative didn't have any line other than the one to say the test had worked??

Not sure what you mean either by a clear line but if you mean you can see a faint line then that is your BFP hun!!

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