Knock Knock


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Can I come in?
Found out I was pregnant yesterday :doh: LOL
Shocked as it wasn't plan but excited and I am sure being here with you all will make it feel easier. (with a 4 month old :shock: ) LOL I hope so!
I will upload a ticker but might be changed a little after i have a scan as my period is not regular so I might be a week or so late. but according to my calculations my EDD is 10th July!
I am nervous and excited and not sure what to do next!!
Shall I see my Gp now?! there is nothing she will do but prescribe folic acid which i started taking today. when do you all see your Gp's?? I'm only asking because I am not from the UK ( It's says location London for privacy reasons LOL)
Over here there is no proper schedule on when to see a Gp and have the first scan..etc so last time I ended up with more than 10 scans LOOL...
I can't figure out what to do!
Congratulations!!! :hug:

You're certainly going to have your work cut ou for you with a 12 month old and a new baby!!!

We don't see the midwife here until about 10 weeks, scan at 12 weeks, and another more detailed scan at 20 weeks.

Maybe give them a ring and see what they say!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Hi Thanx.
I'll ring them and see what they say although im pretty sure they'll ask me to come in for a blood test at least.
it's gonna be tought a 12 month old and a baby LOL .
but its gonna be fun later on im sure. :hug:
My God woman well done, I couldn't even face having sex with a four month old in the house :lol:

Welcome :)
Minxy said:
My God woman well done, I couldn't even face having sex with a four month old in the house :lol:

Welcome :)

hehe, I never thought i was gonna get pregnant!! I thought I was wise and knew what I did but as usual i am irrational and here I am with another baby LOL!
i think it depends where you are - i saw my gp as soon as i found out (4 1/2 weeks) had my booking in appointment at 6/7 weeks and having my dating scan at 10 weeks. Dating scans in my area seem to be at 10 weeks. Which is a relief really as i couldnt stand to wait two more weeks! Roll on Monday!

Congratulations hunny!!!!!! xxx
Thanx all,
really strange , this time i didn't have any sore boobs or cramps in my tummy :think:
I don't know if this is normal, but im hoping this pregnancy isn't as bad as my first one.

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