Knitted Woolies - Old Fashioned? [Pic Heavy]

I absolutly love the knit wear, planning on making some knitwear myself but I'm a novice but I'm going to try my best as I don't have anyone in my family that does it. Love the pics of yours :)

my mum has started to make some bits since i was 14w ish and i have a few cardigans inc. a matching one to my niece who has just been born. :D Obviously hers is pink and mines blue but cant wait to see em both together wearing em.

My mums new project is a teddy. I said i wanted something he could keep when he was older that he wont grow out of. She's just trying to find the right teddy now. haha

My OH nan is also knittin away and we have a few cardies comin our way. She also quilts so has made us a teddy bear play matt where the ears are all floppy with diff things in them for him to explore...... :D

I love it... makes things all personal and saves money too!
When I was a child my Great-Aunt and Grandma (sisters) seemed to be knitting things all the time, I feel quite gutted knowing they won't be making anything when I have a baby (Great Aunt passed away last year and Grandma is now 90 and hasn't knitted for years).

The one baggy purple chenille wool jumper I asked Grandma to knit me when I was a teenager is one of my treasured possessions.
I think they're lovely. The cardies will look great with some cool stripey leggings. Knitting is very Eco-chic these days! Tell your friends it's much more responsible than buying everything that's been made in a third world sweat shop.
i would rather have something that had been made with care and love....i hope i get lots of things knitted for me...he he :) sending vibes out to relatives ;) xx
I think they're lovely. The cardies will look great with some cool stripey leggings. Knitting is very Eco-chic these days! Tell your friends it's much more responsible than buying everything that's been made in a third world sweat shop.

What a great point! :dance::dance::dance:
Lovely stash hun!!

My Mum is making our boy 2 knitted cardi's for when he's born. He's going to be a June baby so probably won't need a thick coat for a while so she's knitting cardi's to keep him snug if he does get a bit chilly. I also spent hours last night looking for 'the right' knitted blanket for him that my Sister is getting personalised for me! x
i suggest for all you people that know someone that can knit ask them to teach you a bit so you can then pass that onto you children ect xx
i dont think they are old fashioned but i personally dont like hand knitted stuff which a shame as i knit well lol
much prefer knitted stuff made with love and care than something made in who knows where.

personally i like babies to be dressed as babies, not in smaller versions of adult clothes, in my opinion knitted clothes are perfect for little ones.

Luckily as soon as we told one of our family friends, she got loads of wool out of her cupboard and a few bits she'd been working on since finding out we were ttc. She seemed so excited to be able to do something for us and for baby. It's not just about the clothes themselves, but the care and love that's gone into making them!
I LOVE hand knotted things and my friends mam has been knitting for me since I announced lol!
I think they are gorgeous, look lovely with modern stuff too and finish an outfit off perfectly! xx
I think they're lovely and as EmmBee says I much prefer babies to be dressed like babies rather than mini adults and think of the joy whoever spends all that time knitting for you will have when they see your baby wearing their hard work!
Wish I could knit too!
I love knitwear, more so on baby girls but my nan has made some cracking pieces for my son, this is my favourite, a matching cardigan and hat! 179476_10150407911920343_535595342_17170037_1434396_n.jpg
Leah I was going to put a pic in my baby boys clothes thread of a green hand knitted aran cardy, seeing as you love your woolies so much if you were interested I would give you first digs x
Leah I was going to put a pic in my baby boys clothes thread of a green hand knitted aran cardy, seeing as you love your woolies so much if you were interested I would give you first digs x

Aww, thank you for the offer Jen, but I've just had a load more given to me, and people are still knitting! I think I'm going to have to miraculously give birth to triplets to wear all these clothes! x
hmm feb mum wheres this knitted cardy then?? have i missed it or have you not put it up yet?? lol İ lovvvee knitted stuff unfortunately mines gonna be a summer baby but would still make him wear it sometimes. My mums an old people carer and shes got 2 old ladies there who have knitted me a few things already and theyre both in the 90s :D xx

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