kittens help!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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JP and I have decided to get a kitten (or two!) and have found some we like :D

The boy is 6 weeks old, all white with a ginger streak on his tail. The girl is 7 weeks old and is white with black and ginger splashes :) the have different Mums but possibly the same Dad :s

They are both long haired and Persian looking (but not pedigree). They are adorable!

I'm thinking of getting both but I'm worried they might not get along? Or they might breed and have poorly babies as they are half-brother and sister?

I think I will probably keep them as house cats - if this is the case would I get one neutered or both?

Please help! Is there anything I haven't thought of?

We have a German Shepherd too (he's 16 months old) so I know its going to be hard work introducing them but I'm sure they will get along fine, plus we have lots of room to keep them seperate for a while if needs be :)

Andreaaaaaaa x
if they are brought up together they usually get along - all of ours did.

I would recommend gettign them both neutered/spayed - and do it early! that way there is no chance of them breeding even if they did get out and would also reduce their desire to go out on the razz!
I agree with ^^^ get them both neutered! And I'm sure they'll get along well if they've been brought up together. Not sure about the introducing them to your dog :think: I'm sure they'll all get along eventually! Good luck! I am hopefully moving into a house soon where I can have a cat and I'll be getting one ASAP, I haven't had a cat in so long and miss it! Remember to post piccies too 8)
Thanks for the advice :hug:

I think we will get them both but JP doesn't know that yet so ssshhhh ;)

We've just been and bought lots of toys, scratching posts, worming tablets, flea treatments etc and we're going to get them at 7p.m and I'm so excited :)

I will get them both neutered then, what sort of cost is involved? I've read its more expensive for a girl than a boy?

Will definately be posting pics :)
*Slightly* more for a girl than boy. We got two kittens together last year, not the same parents and brought home a week apart, they got on fabulously from the first second. For the boy cat it was £35, and the girl was about £40, or just over that. Basically, much less than I thought!
Ah cats,

My favourite topic. I would 100% get the two.

It's easier in the long run, as they'll always have each other for company.

Post some pics of them, if you do get them.

:D :D
Get two! there great company for ine another and get them done for the future - its good for their health and stops them interbreeding which dogs and cats do do. Do it while there young hun, they will have to stay in for a while too after they have been done.

Goodluck, my cats just had kittens again and we love having kittens in the house!
I have a brother & sister cat - they are 4 now and still clean each other and curl up together.
Definately get the boy neutered! Boy cats will 'mark' their territory by spaying on things. I haven't smelt it before but I've heard it is horrible!! I've got 2 boy cats myself and grew up with 2 girl cats at my parents house.

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