kids drinking shandy?

We can go in the wicked mum's section Cassi!!

I have always been of the view no fizzy drinks, sweets etc at a young age.....I wasn't allowed them when I was young and I didn't gorge on them when I was older-infact I was a lanky b*tch, who hardly ate crap, until I got pregnant!! :shock:
K X said:
We can go in the wicked mum's section Cassi!!

I have always been of the view no fizzy drinks, sweets etc at a young age.....I wasn't allowed them when I was young and I didn't gorge on them when I was older-infact I was a lanky b*tch, who hardly ate crap, until I got pregnant!! :shock:

yep i dont beileve all children that are not given them end up gorging on them..its up to the child what they do when they are older but untill then he wont have them :)
ok I will look forward to hearing your views in 4 years time!!!!!!
Freya said:
ok I will look forward to hearing your views in 4 years time!!!!!!

Im sorry but i accept what you do with you're children that is fine, i dont have a problem with it...but you telling me that my veiws WILL change in the future is pretty damn rude. I think my veiws are fair and normal and they will NOT change, these are my beilefs and what i want and feel best for MY child. So please dont assume or tell me that my veiws will change and accept that i have said they wont.
I have found myself doing things that I said I wouldn't with Seren but things that I really have felt strongly about, like cloth nappies, not smacking and not giving sweets regulaly have not changed. Cassi if you feel strongly about something then I don't think you change your mind unless you read or hear news/research about it. I keep getting told wait til Seren is older and you will find yourself smacking her but I know that I won't as I fee very strongly about it. If people want to give their children sweets then fine but if they don't that is also fine :D
beanie said:
I have found myself doing things that I said I wouldn't with Seren but things that I really have felt strongly about, like cloth nappies, not smacking and not giving sweets regulaly have not changed. Cassi if you feel strongly about something then I don't think you change your mind unless you read or hear news/research about it. I keep getting told wait til Seren is older and you will find yourself smacking her but I know that I won't as I fee very strongly about it. If people want to give their children sweets then fine but if they don't that is also fine :D

Exactly, sure there are things that WILL change but the things i feel really strongly about which are the sweets (this has gone back way before i was even pg, im not one for kids and sweets, however i dont have a problem with other people that do, but i never have been)..obviously when he is very young what he dosnt have he wont miss, when he is older he will have the occasional treat like at bday partys, xmas etc cause then he will notice if all the other kids have them and he isnt allowed....and also like you reusable nappies, i feel very strongly about this and that wont change either...other things yeah im open to change but them things, nope they wont 100% :D
2 things
1 I never said your views WOULD change that is your interpretation of what I said.

2nd You do have a problem with what I do because you wont do it yourself. Because obviously to you giving sweets is a problem

Anyway enough said as I feel this is getting nasty and all over a packet of sweets. Believe you me I have bigger fish to fry and greater worries than this :roll:
be nice everyone!

i think we've all had thoughts and aspirations when ywe are expecting a baby that have changed when reality hits us.

Cassi i admire your thoughts and feeling about what you will give jakob. it shows you care :hug:

i agree with Freya though that some of these thoughts you have may well change in time. Maybe not immediately but in time.

I think its importnat not to lay down firm rules as ou have done. You are very similar to how i was when i was expectin my first. I tried sticking to a firm set of personal ''rules'' and routines. And loooing back cassi it spoiled the most precious times of my motherhood. I wish i had been more laid back as i am now.

Im sure however you decide to bring up jakob he will be loved and cared for which is paramount. :hug:
budge said:
I think its importnat not to lay down firm rules as ou have done. You are very similar to how i was when i was expectin my first. I tried sticking to a firm set of personal ''rules'' and routines. And loooing back cassi it spoiled the most precious times of my motherhood. I wish i had been more laid back as i am now.

Im sure however you decide to bring up jakob he will be loved and cared for which is paramount. :hug:

This is what happened to me Budge. I ended up feeling guilty and like a bad mother because I had done some of the things I vowed that I would never do. But now I am more laid back and happy as a consequence my second child is so laid back it is great!!!

I know I sometimes got defensive when I was expecting but now I just go with the flow. I have found that I have enjoyed everything a lot more since I did this.
yes i understand where you are coming from Freya. But i also understand cassi too :hug: :hug:
I do NOT have a problem with what you do freya! just because im not going to use the same way with MY child dosnt mean i have a problem with what you do with yours!!!! And when i said my veiws WILL NOT change you sarcastically replied with "well come back to me with you're veiws in 4 years then!!!!!"

So in essence you are telling me my veiws will change and not accepting the fact i have said they WONT..which surely is my decision NOT YOURS!

I feel very strongly on this and it wont change...i do not think i am doing any harm to my child by not giving him sweets when he is too young to miss them!!!

I accept the way you bring up your children and would never turn around to you and say "you will probably change in time" that would be i dont expect the same from you just because i dont have children yet dosnt mean i when i do my veiws will change! i have worked with children for a long time and i have seen ALOT of children that dont get given sweets while they are young and they would now rather have fruit than sweets as a result.

Im sure you have bigger fish to fry so go and do it rather than making sarcastic replies to other peoples veiws on parenting... :roll:

and now its because im expecting and dont yet have children that im defensive about my veiws? right im sorry il come back when im a mother when i have the right to have veiws, yeah? Because obviously i dont know enough yet! :roll:

So these veiws, that i have felt strongly about for along time...will NOT change...why do i need to give my child sweets when he wont even know the difference at such a young age? I dont, i dont want to....

now you can think "oh when she is a REAL mother like me it will change" as much as you like..but i dont give 2 shits...cause it wont...


Im putting no more on the can beileve what you want.
That is not what I said Cassi and I am sorry that you have taken it the wrong way.

However I stick with the point of that you do have a problem with what I do because YOU wont do it. Just like I think it is a bit mean to not give a child any sweets at all so in essence I have a problem with what you will do and hence why we are probably so defensive about it.

Maybe your views will change, maybe they wont who knows! Life does change people otherwise it would be boring! It is good you feel so strongly about something and I was not being sarcastic maybe a little tongue in cheek.
Of course you are entitled to an opinion which are definatly voicing very forcefully. I am sure my comments are not going to change your opinion -good for you.
It is a pitty you reacted so strongly too my comment and once again I am sorry for upsetting you
But i dont have a problem with you giving your child sweets at i said i give my neice sweets because my sister dosnt mind her having them...i dont have a problem with it..that is her way of parenting and i think that is good.

And if you read all of my posts you will see i have said "at a young age" at the age when my son will not ask for things or know what sweets are to miss them, that is when i wont go into a shop and buy them for him...i will get him fruit snack packs...but when he is old enough to notice then of course he can have occasional treats if he wants them. thats what i have stated across the whole topic. I have never stated i will never allow my child to have sweets.

I dont have a problem with anyone giving their child sweets...just because people dont parent the same way and dont do things the same dosnt mean they dont agree with the way other people parent...

And as i have said some things that i have in mind now probably will change, but not the things i feel so strongly about, reusable nappies, sweets when he wont miss them. Im sure alot of parenting skills i have in mind will change in future as, as you said things change, the world would be boring if we all lived to a set routine. :D

I think you will be a brilliant mum because you do have strong views which means you are probably a stong person.

we can just agree to differ and I am once again sorry if I upset you because I didn't mean to. :hug:

Hope you have forgiven me :angel: I know I can be a pain once I get a bee in my bonnet and I don't really mean to be. Love and kisses
Nooo dont be silly debates are healthy!!!! :hug:

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