kids drinking shandy?

beanie said:
I was brought up with knowing that alcohol is normal. I was allowed a snowball at new year when I was about 10 (bleurgh haha) and a small glass of wine at social occasions. My dad would buy me a cider or shandy when we wrent to the pub. Alcohol was not a big deal to me, and whilst there have been occasions where I have gone stupid (for many different reasons) I now hardly drink. I will be doing the same with my children.

Cassi I get called a meanie as I don't let Seren have chocolate (though a friend of OH's gave her a whole milky bar grr). I would prefer Seren to grow up getting used to eating fruit, and then when she is older she can have an occasional treat. I don't see the harm in the odd treat but it will only be a treat.

I think this is how i shall be too!

I feel a treat every so often doesnt hurt but denying your child something altogether will only encourage them to do it behind your backs
yeah a treat maybe on bdays .. xmas is fine :)
budge said:
i don't want anyone to think i only give my kids crap. i don't they only have sweets every now and then. But im saying that theres no need to deny crap foods full stop thats all. :hug:

Im sorry i didnt mean to offend you or being judgemental, i was talking in general..soz again!
no im never offended! i was just saying i didn't want to give everyone the impression i gave my children crap all the time thats all.
Adele always got sweeties after dinner not before though. Now she only has 1 milkyway and a mix up and eats bananas non stop through the day one of these days im going to wake up and she will be a chimp :lol: :lol:
budge said:
i alwasy think back to my friend whos mother never gave her anything ''bad'' to eat or drink. When she finally became old enough she gorged herself on sweets and alcohol and anything she was denied as a child.

lol that was like me as a kid - my mam totally sweet-deprived me, so when I was 11/12 I would sneak to the shop and buy loads of sweets and eat them on the way home lol.
I was such a rebel :lol:

She's a health-food nut is my mam ;)

Still though, I wouldn't be happy if somebody gave my 3 year old (if I HAD a 3 year old) shandy to be honest.
Its not the fact that they'd let him try a little bit of 'pretend' beer that bothered me to be honest, I mean I know it wont harm him (the police found me drinking from a can at home alone when I was 3 and i turned out alright lol, my birth parents had just left me! :oops: ) I just dont want him to see a bottle of lager and think its alright for him to drink it.
Rebecca has never even tasted chocolate-and she wont be tasting it for a long long time! Horrible mummy I am! :twisted:
K X i respect that very much...we can be horrible mummies together lol..

i got drunk when i was 6...i drank loads of a bottle of wine i helped myself to in the fridge...didnt know what it was just saw mummy having a glass with dinner sometimes and i wanted to try it lol..well i polished off half a bottle! lmao they had no idea and thought i was just playing around when i went into the room giggling and spinning around..untill i bashed my head off the stairs and knocked myself out lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:

My poor mom i think i scared ten poops out of her that night...
:rotfl: Started young Cassi! I love my wine too! :lol:

Rebecca is 8 months old and to be honest what they don't have, they don't miss-that eases my conscience a little! :lol:

I personally don't like to see young children (babies etc) tucking into bars of chocolate, but maybe I am a weirdo...Well I know i am! :rotfl:
yep hehehe i know back in the days it was very popular to put a thimble full of brandy into babies milk when baby had a cold or was teething...
Can I just say Cassi. I love your attitude now pre baby. However, please dont have too strict an idea what you will wont do because belive you me things change when baby arrives and you dont want to set yourself up to be a 'failure' in your own eyes.

I am afraid I am with budge- everything in moderation!!!!
You are only a child once!!
Remember as well children who are treated differently to their peers are also targets to be bullied!!
I dont beileve so i was bullied in school and it wasnt cause of that...

I have worked with children for years now and know alot that are not gviven sweets and wouldnt want them if they were offered them as a result. and not wanting to give my children sweets is not too strict or depriving he will have fruits and healthy snacks..and no that wont change after birth :)
Freya said:
Can I just say Cassi. I love your attitude now pre baby. However, please dont have too strict an idea what you will wont do because belive you me things change when baby arrives and you dont want to set yourself up to be a 'failure' in your own eyes.

I am afraid I am with budge- everything in moderation!!!!
You are only a child once!!
Remember as well children who are treated differently to their peers are also targets to be bullied!!

I have to agree with Freya. Its up to you how you bring up your child so dont think i'm telling you what you should do but i do feel & know through experience that whilst a child is young you will be able to say what they can and cant have but once they go to school and see other children doing things they will only do it behind your back!! And Schools are getting rougher and when our children go to school things could be worse so they could get bullied for this reason.

K X personally i dont think you are being a horrible mummy by not giving Rebecca chocolate, she is still very young and as you say what she doesnt have she cant miss which i agree with but i was thinking more of when they are older & can understand alot more.
I had loads of ideas of how I wanted to bring my son up before he was born and basically most of it has gone out of the window :lol: One thing I have learnt from having a baby is to be open to anything because all babies children people in general are different! Baby books go out the window and in comes mummy instinct.
Emily will happily choose fruit for a snack instead of sweets, i always carry raisins or something in my bag for snacks, we have a tub of sweets in our house (courtesy of a grandparent who ignores me!!!) but i tend to eat more than Emily does.
What you have to remeber though is that when they go to school sweets tend to be brought in for birthdays, so sometimes you do have to be flexible.

I gave Jack some White choc bottons as a traet on his Birthday :D ok i ate a lot of them but my god he demolished them.

Jack prefers his fruit too at the minute

I beleive it is all about setting up good eating habits, not totally denying things, sometimes this can backfire big style

if you set good habits from a young age, children tend to make the "right" chioce for themselves

And just remember fruit can contain as much harmful sugers as sweets
jo said:
Emily will happily choose fruit for a snack instead of sweets, i always carry raisins or something in my bag for snacks, we have a tub of sweets in our house (courtesy of a grandparent who ignores me!!!) but i tend to eat more than Emily does.
What you have to remeber though is that when they go to school sweets tend to be brought in for birthdays, so sometimes you do have to be flexible.

I gave Jack some White choc bottons as a traet on his Birthday :D ok i ate a lot of them but my god he demolished them.

Jack prefers his fruit too at the minute

I beleive it is all about setting up good eating habits, not totally denying things, sometimes this can backfire big style

if you set good habits from a young age, children tend to make the "right" chioce for themselves

And just remember fruit can contain as much harmful sugers as sweets

Spot on Jo :) ...

all i said was i wont be giving J sweets, like K dosnt give rebecca chocolate..its exactly the same thing...if he wants to have them when he is older thats fine, but if he grows up preferring fruit i dont think he will get bullied for it! A young child dosnt miss what they dont have!!! i personally dont see the point in giving young children sweets but its each to their veiws on that wont change and i wont give him sweets, nor fizzy drinks and most likely not mc donalds :) That is my choice and that veiw will not change when he is born.
No one's slating you hun, it's great to have that attitude as a mother.
I know, i just think people read my posts wrong as if im gonna ban sweets and stuff like that when he is older..thats not what i said...

When he is young, when he wont miss them you know :)

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