kicks in the ribs?? when did you get them ???


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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When did everyone first feel thier baby kick or press them in the rib cage
ve only felt it twice and for only a sort time and not to intense
Collier spends most of his time in Breach position

when did it really begin for you?????????????????????????????
wondering as baby has just begun kicking me in the lady bits
something id heard happen to many on here and now know what they ment :shock: :roll: :lol:
ive had the bladder bouncing, kicking and laying on for age now :x :rotfl:
And the bump and back presses have increased to an OCH F*** BLOODY HELL status :twisted: :roll: I keep thinking he's trying to rip me in half and escape out my tummy

just want to prepare my self for the next delightful thing my Collier will subject me too :rotfl:
what does it feel like????

lol sarah :wave:
feels like a lump under your rib cage and u just want to straighten up...
its not too bad unless it gets caught, thats uncomfortable.
Been feeling it since about 30 weeks but my babe is head down and massive already so thats why i can feel them so high i think.... :think:
it can actually hurt sometimes i find... i started feeling them at around 25 weeks but they were only random but hes been gettin stuck up there since about 30 weeks :D
about 26 weeks, just wait until you get a bum propped against them
I got them about 25/26 weeks....he just hooks his little feet under them now, he doesnt really kick me in the ribs as such...just wriggles his feet under them :lol:
Babylicious said:
about 26 weeks, just wait until you get a bum propped against them

Oh yes agree with you there. Just you wait for the bum in the ribs, this is where my babies bum is currently wedged :( And she is one hell of a wiggler.

Have to constantly sit up straight or actually get up and walk around as it is very uncomfatable.
I posted about this the other day its very uncomfortable so i guess the answer to your question is about 31 weeks for me. :hug:
i never got painful kicks in the ribs and she was always head down :D :cheer:
Kicks in the ribs started about 25 weeks for me, same as Tilly, but now I get the excitement of scrabbly hands in the ribs too depending on her position.

Head in the ribs is NOT good.
I don't think I have had any kicks in the ribs and baby is head down apparently

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