Kicking one side!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Hiya girlies! Hope you are all well! Just wanted to ask you a question. Maybe I am weird. But. I can feel my baby kicking every day. Which I am very pleased about. But it's always kicking on the left side. I've not once during the last week or 2 felt it kicking on the right side.. Is that weird..? Don't know why or if I should be worried but... Anyone else experienced that?

My baby kicks on the right side just by my belly button. I think it depends on what position they are in. Don't worry! :hug:
Aww, thanks for that. Guess I just need reassurance every now and then! :hug:
I only ever get kicks relli low, like around me pants like, i just figure it must be their fav spot lol
it may also depend on where you placenta is lying, i know mine is at the front so it cushions alot of blows when bubs kicks me in the centre yet when bubs kicks me in the side its really sore!
thye don't move as freely as before ie when they kicked and bounced all over the place, its completly normal :)

Thanks girlies! I don't know what I'd do without you! Just worry about every little silly thing! :oops:

I've got my scan today at 2 so wish me luuuuck!!! :cheer:

good luck, hope all goes well and post pics up asap. x
good luck!
sounds like as the others have said, your LO is lying that way.

Mine was breach at 20 week scan and all kicks were near my knicker line, she took ages one night turning round (really chuffing hurt me in the middle of the night!) and she is definatley lying horizontally now, legs right hand side and head left, so Im getting punched in the middle and kicks to the right side!!
Hi you ladies! Back from my scan.... baby is absolutely fine.... And it's a...

















IT'S A BOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woooohoooo, congrats on your blue bump. xx :cheer:
congratulations on your blue bump.....

I always feel my kicks on the left side or really down low....rarely do I feel anything on the right hand side. I think baby just prefers to lie that way
Aw thanks. I was just reading your post about a bit of a rubbish scan that you didn't get to see much!

My sonographer was great, showed me every little thing that she checked and the screen was turned to me so i could see everything!

At least you know the baby is fine which is the most important thing! :cheer:


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