kicking and not kicking


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hi Guys, maybe some of you can give me some advice.
I have felt kicking for 2 weeks, maybe a little more. I felt the movements several times a day, often for prolonged periods.
I had 20 week scan on wed and everything was fine with my baby boy!
For 2 days now I have felt no kicking and am worried. Does this sort of thing generally happen, am I worrying too much or could csomething be wrong?
I have tried walking, lying still, massaging bump and everything. Am starting to get worried now.
Otherwise, everything has been as normal.
Love Jo.
try not worrying yourself to much hun, have you tried downing a glass of ice cold water? it normaly gives baby a slight fright (bad i know) if still no luck ring the maternity ward and justget checked over, rememeber thast what teh MW are for. I cant rememebre if its 48 hours or 24 hours they say if you havent felt any movement to go get checked over :think:

when do you see your MW next?
even if your ring her forst thing in teh morning see if you can get checked over
Its normal huni dont worry, its after 24 weeks that they shoudl wriggle all the time, now its hit and miss so I was told by MW

(mine does it as well BTW)
don't worry, he's probably just changed position.

I feel mine more depending what position he is lying in. At the moment, he is really low low down!

Like weestar said,sometimes what you intake can make them move,one option is sugar! Mine dances and jigs around for chocolate biscuits, cake,sweets!

Never noticed until he wouldn't move for my scan so the sonographer sent me out to have a sugar intake then on the scan he was dancing everywhere!!!
I'm 23 weeks and I hardly feel her at all! Mind you they say she's small for her dates so i'm more like 22 weeks so i'll give her another couple of weeks before I get worried....
I can understand you being worried. Do you think you can go to the EPU and see if they can have a listen in with a monitor just to reassure you with the sound of the heartbeat? Perhaps you could phone to see - it's no good to be worrying.

I'm sure as the others have said it's nothing to worry about - baby still has tons of space so if the little bean has changed position then it's possible you just can't feel the movements at the moment.

i was really worrying about this too but almost too afraid to ask the question...

i starting feeling quite a lot of the bubbles/fluttering just over 1 week ago. i definately felt them every day but i haven't had anything for about 36 hrs now.

gonna try to relax 2nite and see what happens. i don't have my next check until the 18th so i'll have to call MW if i don't feel anything soon even if it's just for peace of mind
Hi lotus,
Try not to worry - the same happens to me. I seem to feel my little baby more at the weekend when I'm relaxing or having a lie down but when you're busy during the week, you don't get time to think about and concentrate on movements. I'm sure everything is fine.

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