Kicking in a strange place


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I am trying not to worry for a change but yesterday i went to the loo which was a very very difficult task indeed, since then i dont think i have felt my little man kick my tummy, i have felt what are like gas bubbles in my foo foo right at the top if you know what i mean and very very low down, a lot lower than normal, He has been kicking quite a bit lately after me worrying last week so i thought all was good, but now i am worried i have damaged him or pushed him to far down and now he is somewhere he shouldnt be.

Whats the possibility?
I havent had a chance to use my doppler.
That'll be him kicking really far down, as mine does sometimes (or at least he did before he went on strike! :lol: )

I think we've all worried what damage we might do by 'going to the toilet' but I think its impossible to harm the baby by doing so.

I've felt alot of kicks right down there, I suppose its cos he can move about alot with all that space so sometimes he's higher up and sometimes he's lower.

Im sure its all fine :hug:
I have spoken to a midwife about it this morning as i was calling about my injections anyway and she said that it is something i am going to have to put up with until he is bigger. I'm not really convinced cause he has been smaller and never done this before :?
my LO has been doing that this morning..i poke him and try and get him to move but he is gonna be a tarus so is stubborn and does what he wants :shakehead:

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