Keeping secrets...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Is anyone else any good at this? i'm so useless i cant stay patient either. If i know theres a present in the house ie birthday or christmnas etc, i HAVE to go finding it lol. and then when someone tells me i have to wait for something i get REALLY impatient. i now have to wait until Tuesday for results of an Amnio i had yesterday (which hurt like buggary lol i didnt think it would oops!!!) and i have to wait for the twinlets to be born now. I wasnt exactl pleased when Romi came early, but i was happy in a way too as i could see him and be with him and not have to wait - not meant to sound awful i wrote and rewrote that 7 times it still didnt sound right.

Anyways, patience and secret keeping. it was such a bad idea to find out the sex, and although they have said and told us it isnt definate yet only suspected, we are already thinking of them as ____ and ______. Anyways, ive slipped up tonight with Shauns mum on the phone i was nattering as you do and said, i'm just hoping ___ (she/he) is ok...well dropped myself into it lol.

i dont think i could have coped not knowing the sex, but now i know them both i want to shout it to everyone. i've now managed to tell her both sexes by accident :roll: wont be long before i end up announcing it on here lol as everyone will already know lol.
Hey hun, I will no doubt be the same when I find out what I am having. The plan is to find out, tell close family and keep others guessing. I wonder if I will be able to do it?!! :think:

I have read your blog hun and I may be wrong but you may have said what one of your bubbas is in that? The other is still a secret though :wink:

thats why i didnt find out i knew id let the cat out of the bag lol
i changed it so it says in my sig now lol, was too hard to keep quiet, i always make stupid mistakes so thought to hell with it, if people see on here and tell family etc, then they tell! big deal
I'm good at keeping other people's secrets but rubbish at my own. Although I managed not to tell work for a few weeks - but that was only because I was scared something would happen. I know if I found out the sex I would end up telling everyone. OH wanted to find out and said he would & I wouldn't Hahahaha. Nope, Matey. I KNOW he would let slip & I am really going to try & hang on till the birth.
I'm just like you :D
Except we're still team green as they won't tell us the sex here :(
Im very good at keeping secrets

Never once let a friends secret slip 8) :)
just in case anyone missed it lol
We're having a girlie twin probably Harleigh Eden and a boyie twin most probably Ezekiel (Zeke) James :D
Tegala your here!!! i thought maybe Tameron was on his way, how you feeling :hug:
lol crap secret

I already knew this, i was just about to write congrats aswell.....hehehe, oh well congrats again.
My brains mush today.
bellybump said:
i now have to wait until Tuesday for results of an Amnio i had yesterday (which hurt like buggary lol i didnt think it would oops!!!) and i have to wait for the twinlets to be born now.

when i asked for my 16week bloods for downs etc etc they refused to give it to me as it wouldnt be a very acurate reading and because of that there wouldnt be much point to it!!!!!

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