Well most of yesterday when i went to the toilet i had brown mucus type stuff some times i had nothing, this morning my midwife rang and she said that it doesnt sound to bad and not to worry as its not heavy bleeding and no clotting she has got me a scan tomoro at 11.15 its the earliest they could slot me in i asked for it today but she said its not possible and because its not heavy etc. so fingers crossed all is ok now i have another day to put in b4 i find out if all is ok im trying not to stress myself as i know that doesnt help any but its just the not knowing is the problem, this morning i had just a little bit of brown stuff again but thankfully no red blood, when that happened yesterday it scared the life out of me and i immedialy thought the worst but as i say everything crossed that all is ok. ill let ya all know how its going thanks to everyone that replyed. hope everyone is feeling fine take care of yourselves and your wee one.
Love puppylove