Just wanted to show you my sig picture!


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Just uploaded this pic!
It's me, my eldest son Benjamin who is 4 in July, and my youngest Oliver who is 6 months old!!!

I took this in Spain this year when Ollie was only 10 weeks old, but I love it so much!
its a gorgeous pic hun. :hug:

Unfortunately its too big to have as your sig, it's 600 and needs to be 200 pixels high (i think thats right)

you could try re sizing :hug:
lovely pic but it's too big for a signature :(
why the :roll: ? We were only letting you know cos mods usually end up pm'ing you to ask you to resize.

pfft :roll:
I think she meant the " :roll: " to say "typical" rather than blaming you guys for it lol
Gorgeous piccy xx

watch out the forum please are about... :lol:
PinkPunch said:
I think she meant the " :roll: " to say "typical" rather than blaming you guys for it lol

Or darnnit the timer on the ovens gone off again lol!


haha yeah i meant typical, trust me to finally get a pic up on here and it's too big... :roll: :wall:
*Star* said:
haha yeah i meant typical, trust me to finally get a pic up on here and it's too big... :roll: :wall:

ahh i see. sorry for going off on one :hug: :hug:
Sorry, still too big!

The limits (which include any text in a signature) are set out here

Or use this as a guide


You could always ask one of the girls in the tech support section to make you a signature image which includes the picture and the text all in one go. :)
Star, put your picture up and i'll sort it out for you to be whatever size you like, but as Urchin said your signature includes the text too so you might be best having the text on fewer lines, or as part of your signature. I'm no use at making signature pictures though - mine are shocking compared to the lovely ones some of the others make.

Don't lose heart x
Leckershell your sig is fab, it changes every second lol
ok, I've reduced it a bit, don't want to be reminded of my m/c's every time i post really!

Finger's crossed!

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