just want to thank you girls


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
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As the title says just want to thank you girls for being wonderful and supportive and non judgemental
You girls know more about me than the girls I see or speak to all the time.
We have been trying to concieve sincr last sept when my injection ran out.
I thought this was my lucky break in my cycle as I got a almost positive opk on the 8th after 3 days of them getting darker
Im 13dpo today and had mixed faint tests what I call squinters did a super drug digi and got negative.
Apart from the draining my funds of 50 quid this last week its drained me emotionally too. Starting to think maybe my partner is struggling with it too and how it's affecting my moods.
Not too sure how to feel today just gutted and then thr hoover broke and the kettle :( surely three good things have to happen now. Feel like quitting it all xxx
Bless gain sorry ur having a shit day and got bfn :-( did u get squint era on the ic by any chance ? I wish they would ban those suckers they are file... I hope ya get some gd news to outweigh the bad :) xx
Ive has squinters on first responce and internet cheapies. The cheapies got evaps on that today two from same wee :( thanks chick xx
Digis do tend to be less sensitive as normal ones I only ever do a digi wen I get a gd line on a few tests cos I know they are it so sensitive so still hope yet gd luck xx
Just did another cheapie and there was defo another faint colouref line come up with in two mins but abit squinty again not too faint tho but as you said internet cheapies are a nightmare xx thanks for good luck xxx
I would but I binned it with them lying around itnmade me feel shit :( I have one super drug digi left for the morning af was due today or tommorow just loads of watery cm at the mo sorry tmi. I have a question sophie can an opk ever be faulty or wrong ?? Like a hcg because the proper dark opk I did on 8th wasnt asdark as xcontrol line but nearly. Two days after that I had a 4 day light bleed and now nothing which is very out ordinary for me afrer depo and a goood opk

I know alot of questions just confused xxx
I can't answer about the opk's hun I don't use them or understand them. When is af due? X
Ohhh ok hun :) due today or tomorrow according to my app nothing today though ??

Whens your next ai hun are u excited ?? Xxx
Something's going on with you i'm sure hun! Yes ai is tomorrow, currently sat it here with throbbing ovaries and LOTS of ewcm! :-D x
Aw exactly what my oh said irs all abit strange too. Aw im so excited for you :) xxx
I really hope I haven't ovulated yet though, surely i'd have dried up by now? I hope you get some answers soon. X
Yeah i think you normally should yeah doesnt last days does it ?? :) thanks chick hope tommorow goes ok xxxx
Really thats rubbish :( I feel dead crappy atm its horrible sick of seeing bumps xx
I know hun our time will come i'm sure of it xx
Has too :) aha never know we could be bump buddies . Hownlong you been ttc xxx
I hope both u girls get ur bfp's soon and I hope my one comes soon too xxx
September 2012 for me :(

Thankyou vicci77 fx for you too chick xxx

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