went well,shes referrred me to physio ,asked her about this appointment at bwh and she doesnt know as im at a hsopital out of our area as there is speculation around our unit closing and im not risking it,also makes thing s easier as family live by bwh so they can have kids,she said to phone up monday as i need to have my bloods and dating scan done then or asap as she thinks im 11+3 and wants to verify it by scan. she never palpatated my stomach which they did with the others,nor did she do my bp or urine,mind you think bp would have been up anyways as ive had a migraine brewing since i got up and its now starting to errupt,she did say i could take either co-codomol or co-dydromol it was one or the other but i cant remember so i'll have to make do without till i know for sure.gonna have to try and battle this migraine,so now doubt i will be throwing up later as it errupts as i cant fight it,had to type this 3 times as i keep making errors as its a bit blurred