update back from doctor...


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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As you know I have been suffering from badly headache, didnt sleep last night and my head is poundering... Went to doc today and did blood tests etc and urine sample.. Going to get results back, but they told me they found protein in urine.. Not sure what it means... And my bloodpresure is a bit higher than normal. I have got some new kind of painkillers called co dyramol. So hopefully that will help a bit now .. xxx
Hiya scandic, glad you have seen a doctor, blood pressure and protein in the urine is meant to be something you watch out for so I'm glad you've been seen by a doc. Hope the tablets help your headache and you feel better soon hun, plenty rest! :-) xx
I have those tabs for my migraines. I started suffering with them when I was pregnant and they drive me insane. They have put me on beta blockers too. Those co-dydramol make me feel really drunk!!! I slur and everything!
Thank u,x!! I took one but still got headache and I wonder if it was so I should take 2 at time, 4 times a day.. I forgot already lol!! Will need to call up and ask xx
Hope you feel better soon with the tablets x
thank u girls!! Silly me it said on the tabletpacket.. 2 to 4 times a day x
when are you due scandicmum? Its great that you got yourself checked out as protein in urine and high blood pressure together are considered to be the main symptoms pre-eclampsia. Best to be safe than sorry x
Im due 22th of september.. x Yes it sounds scary, Im feeling a little better today but headache still there, not got back bloodtest from doc yet.. x
I was prescribed codydramol for SPD when i was pregnant and took 2 tablets with a least 4 hour gap in between from 18 weeks pregnant and little one has no problems from them so DO take them if you need too!!!

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