Just self discharged from hospital - what a farce!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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This afternoon I was feeling a little light headed and I had a headache. Hubby was concerned so told me to ring the maternity unit which I did and they asked for me to go in and get checked out.

I went in at 1830 and had all the checks done.... BP urine bloods and the trace of babies heart rate.... all was fine. Got seen by the Dr on call and was told even though I felt dizzy there was nothing clinically wrong with me so I could go home. This was at 2030! I went to the loo and when I came back the midwife saw me and asked how I was... I said - I still feel dizzy but Dr says I can go. She said lets do your BP again.... she did it and it was slightly raised 140/93. So went and told the Dr who then said I should be admitted overnight for 4 hrly obs........ I was so tired by this point all I wanted to do was sleep....

fair enough I thought...........Didn't get taken to the ward until 2230!

On the ward I was taken to a bed and then left - no one came to say hi or anything.... the other girls on the ward said that I wouldn't see a nurse until the drug round at 2300....... this was true enough and the midwife came round at 2315 but didn't even aknowledge me.... then a HCA came and said you must be the new lady - lets do your bP..... which was normal at 123/80..... she said we will check it again in the morning! (What about the 4 hrly obs I had been admitted for!)

Then at 2345 I had decided enough was enough - I was tired, I still hadn't been admitted and all the lights were on in the ward. The ladies I was sharing with said they didn't get any sleep because the midwifes talked all night and didn't turn the lights out..... so I went and told them I wanted to go home and self discharge.....

I had a little fight on my hands ( fair enough they are only doing their job) But they didn't even know who I was and still had 30 mins of questions to ask me for the admission paperwork and it was now midnight!!!!!!!!!!!! They told me they would only check my BP again at 9 the next morning and the Dr's might be round at 10 but today they didn't get to the ward until 1600 so they couldn't even give me an estimated time I would be reviewed............

I am so angry and annoyed! I am now at home with hubby making me a cuppa and I am going to go to bed once I have drunk it.... I feel fine and I am seeing my midwife tomorow anyway ( as planned from wednesdays appointment!) I think my hospital has a lot to answer for and I am disgusted at the care (or lack of)I have recieved tonight! Am now even worried about having my baby in there.......so much so that I am going to ask for a home birth again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blimey girl, no wonder your blood pressure went up, thats crap how they treated you but fairly typical i'd say.

Get some sleep you must be wasted.

Thanx older mum - I am now rested and chilled!

Still can't believe what happened last night! Am off to see community midwife in an hour and I am going to ask again for a home birth!

The stories that some of the girls were telling me were really bad - they were even covered in bites :shock: possibly fleas??!!!! Urgh!!!
Fleas? That's disgusting.

Hospitals!! hate them. Hope all went well with your appointment. :hug:
Lyndsey said:
Thanx older mum - I am now rested and chilled!

Still can't believe what happened last night! Am off to see community midwife in an hour and I am going to ask again for a home birth!

The stories that some of the girls were telling me were really bad - they were even covered in bites :shock: possibly fleas??!!!! Urgh!!!

Thats terrible hun, your hospital sounds dreadful!!

I really dont like hospitals either and you think they could have done a little bit more to care for you and make you feel more relaxed :wall:

Sorry to hear about your experience, doesnt put much faith in the NHS does it?????
Have now had my community midwife appointment and all is well! BP is fine :dance: , no protein in my wee no swelling everything OK.. and baby's heart beat is nice and strong... :D

She couldn't get through to the ward for my blood results so asked me to do it. Have since rung but I have been told the midwives are too busy and my community midwife needs to ring the path lab - Charming! :?

Asked about home birth but again was told it wasn't really an option in my area due to staffing and the fact that it was my first baby...... so my original plan of staying at home as long as possible will definatley be put into practice!!!

and I do feel better now after ranting on here so thanx for putting up with me!!!

:hug: sorry u had a crappy time... i hated the post natal ward there too :( glad ur ok now though. :hug: :hug:
i would try again about the home birth hun because my mw told me u now have a legal right to a home birth but some mws try to put u off
sorry you had such a crap time at the hospital...I am not suprised you want a home birth.
Someone told me that if you go into labour then ring the hospital and refuse to be admitted they HAVE to send a MW. I dont think its a legal right to have a home birth but legally they have to send medical attention ;)
My Midwife has said to me that it is my choice and if I desperatley wanted a home birth I could have one - but she advised against it and gave me the reasons........ she has been an excellent midwife and I think I will take her advice ( but stay out of hospital as long as possible!) It does seem to be an issue with staffing and problems getting help of there is an emergency so all in all it probably would be safer to deliver in hospital....

Have eventually got blood results back and some of them are elevated so they are to be redone next week..... it was the GGT ( which is linked into liver function and can be raised if you drink too much alcohol!!!) I did have 1 glass of champagne on Saturday ( to celebrate the end of my mums cancer treatment!) But I don't think 1 glass of champers would raise my levels...... so they will be retested on Monday and we will see..... Now I am worried about OC! Is that linked into GGT??

Lyndsey said:
Now I am worried about OC! Is that linked into GGT??


im not sure, but ive never had a GGT mentioned to me re OC. :think:
I will get this checked out on Monday - Have told my midwife the result and she doesn't seem too bothered! :? Thank you for all your replies it is nice to have somewhere to rant and get advice from!

I really hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes smoothly lyndsey as there isn't long left for you. :hug:
Lyndsey said:
I will get this checked out on Monday - Have told my midwife the result and she doesn't seem too bothered! :? Thank you for all your replies it is nice to have somewhere to rant and get advice from!


thats what we are here for :)

Let us know how it goes! :hug:

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