just need a little rant.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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everything been great with my mum lately, she didn't take the pregnancy news too well to start with, but now she can't wait.

it's just because i'm starting to feel like i'm going to get really stressed out by her when babies born, she keeps telling me not to listen to things like - how we're told not to use too many products when washing baby now, but she says we'll use johnsons/infa-care etc because it didn't do any harm.

she's been going on about silly little things, but it annoys me because i just want to give it a go myself first, trial and error, you know? i really appeciate her help, but i feel a bit smothered already i think. i'm even feeling really stressed about having to have baby christened, because being honest, OH and i aren't practicing catholics, so we wouldn't really mind whether baby was or wasn't :( especially because priests are funny when you choose the babies name - some won't baptise baby if they don't have a catholic name :shock:

also we were at a christening yesterday, and she didn't put the baby down, she walked about with him for about 2 hours :rotfl:

i really don't want to sound ungreatful guys, i am so so happy that she's looking forward to our baby now, and i know i'll be glad of her help when the time comes, but i just needed to get it out, and hopefully you ladies will understand. OH thinks i'm stressing over nothing at the moment.

thankyou in advance girls :hug:

sarah xxxxxxxxxx
Rant away hon
Yes i can see where your coming from
and it is good your Mum is more excited i guess she is overcompensating for her lack of enthusiasum at first.
Your mum is also trying to give you the wisdom of her experiance i guess to help.
She probely dosnt relise mabye she is giving too much information
I am sure your Mum means no harm she loves you.
Im sure she respects your views try sharing your ideas with her.
Im not sure what advice to give you im the opporsite i want my Mam around more
My Mam is up North and to be honest im on the phone all the time asking advice. But thats because she is so far away... grass greener heart fonder ect ect

Hope someone can give you better advice then me hon
Lol Sarah
thanks sarah hun, i feel better after writing it all down now.

i honestly don't want to sound ungreatful either, because i know if my mum wasn't around i would feel a lot worse :(

it's a shame that your mum doesn't live closer to you hun :hug:

Mabye take your mum out on a baby shopping trip
make her feel involved but let her see your ideas on products and equipment.
It could be a fun
A bit of give and take.
take on board some of her ideas and let her know you like them but also let her know you want to try other avenues.

Oh yes, I can sympathise!! My Mum was awful, particularly when I had my first - she bottle fed but I breast fed (my 2nd for over 2 yrs!!) and she constantly made comments about the length of time I did this for. And come to think of it, I've had a few rows with her over little things to do with bringing up my children, although we always make up and she's always saying that she thinks I'm a brilliant Mum. I was dreadful when Rose was a newborn and spent the first few days taking out my hormonal rages on her as I got this thing that she was trying to take over looking after my older child (although she was really only trying to help me!!!) My Mum lives in Spain which I do regret as I don't seem her that often, but when I do see her it tends to be for a couple of weeks at a time, and it can get a bit stressful!!! I really wish she lived near though.

I think everything will work out fine for you and your Mum. Ok, there may be times when you have to put your foot down, so to speak, but if you have a good relationship you'll both work it out, and once the novelty has worn off a bit for her she'll be much more relaxed. One thing I realised is that things were very different in the days when my Mum had babies, and she's kind of had to do some re-learning too.

All the best
:hug: :hug:
I think it's a mum thing - my mum seems to think she knows best, she keeps telling me how silly I am to have a home birth and a water birth and how i should do this and do that and ARG.

I guess we've just got to remember that they think they are helping and they just care about us!

Maybe we'll be like that when our LOs have kids!!!!

:hug: :hug:
thanks girls :hug:

as soon as i even mentioned a water/home birth or a birthing centre my mum nearly had a heart attack :rotfl:

i guess it will be fine, i just really would like to figure things out myself though too. she's going to be at the birth as well and i'm scared that when little babe is born she won't give him/her to me. i know that seems silly and i'm probably WAY over-reacting but i just feel that i need time after the birth to get to know them..

thanks for everyones advice and hugs :) :hug:


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