Just moved in to the 2nd trimester and headaches really getting me down.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I have been having really annoying headaches on and off i will have them for a few days then i will be fine for a few days.

My cousin gave me a pack of dissovable 500mg of paracetamol yesterday, it was absolutely disgusting, im planning on buying the normal ones u can just swallow.

Any way i took one yesterday and im due to go to work in half an hour and again i have this annoying headache making me not want to do anything. I want to take another painkiller but worried if this happens everyday it wont be very good for the baby. I would rather put up with headaches then cause any harm.

Can i get some advice please cos its making me so unsociable and unmotivated.
i'm the same i get headaches for a few days then they go, then they come back, i have to take aspirin everyday to help my hold onto the pregnancy so i dont like the though of taking additional tablets, i brought some 4head, the stick you wipe accross your head, it's not brilliant but it eases the headaches a little, although sometimes i just have to give up and go back to bed.
I haven't massively suffered with headaches during pregnancy so far, just had 3 or 4 horrible ones that have lasted a day or 2 and been excruciating! I didn't want to take too many paracetamol either, but I found rubbing tiger balm on my forehead and the bottom of my hairline on my neck really helped. Been doing that for years for headaches anyway, but I found it particularly soothing.
Welcome to tri 2 but sorry about the headaches :( I got them for a while too but nothing helped them. I did find out though that tea was the culprit sometimes! Hope u feel better soon xxxx
Welcome to tri 2 :) I suffer from headaches and kept drinking water hoping they would go bu they didn't . I resorted to paracetamol because I hated how I felt I would wake up at 2am with a headache! They have eased off for now which is always good :) x
Hi! I also started getting headaches and asked the MW about them yesterday. She said it was fine to take paracetamol but also to make sure I was drinking more than normal each day (as if the piddling isn't already bad enough ;-)) and also to make sure I was eating frequently and having a supper about 9-10pm in case my blood sugar was getting low and causing them. I dont need to be told twice to eat :D Hope you get some repreive from them soon they are horrible!! X
I suffer from migraines even before I was pregnant and the best things that have worked for me (since paracetamol doesnt touch them) is a sit down in the shower so the water just falls on your head, its kind of like a massage but softer!
Also, gel pads from poundland work for a few hours! Hope you feel better soon xxx
Thanks for all thr great replies. I very rarely got headaches before becoming pregnant. I don't drink any tea its the one thing I've really been put off the thought of drinking it makes me stomach feel upset I do drink a whole lot of water tho but doesn't seam to make any difference to the headaches. As I'm still waiting for my first hospital appointment I haven't told any one at work I didn't want to till after my first scan have no idea how long that's going to be tho but I'm feeling like I might have to say something soon as there going to notice I'm always tired n hot n not feeling to great all the time soon.
I'm still waiting for my letter for my very first hospital appointment its a week today I've been.waiting so hopefully will be soon. Do they usually take long?
if its your booking in, ic can take about an hour well my booking in did anyway :), if its for your first scan, my letter took ages, have you tried chasing them about it?
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I had really awful headaches at the start o Tri 2- I would have them last for days on end and I felt like total crap!!

My MW said take paracetamol every time I felt a headache coming on, drink at least 2 litres of water a day and eat every 2 hours to keep blood sugar up.

Hope you feel better soon hun

I had them quite bad for a few weeks, and all I did was work and sleep. Mine sorted itself out when I made sure I was eating properly, sleeping and just slowed down

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