Just moved from BF to FF


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2012
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Hi everyone.

My LO is 5 weeks and I've decided to stop BF and solely FF. I just couldn't fill her and she would get stressed and frustrated at ever feed until she was too hysterical to latch!

So now on FF. I've given her bottles and got inks before so I know she loves it!

My problem is, she doesn't seem to be having the recommended daily amount? The pack says an 4-8week old should be having 5oz 5x a day, and my LO is barely finishing 4oz 4x a day. Should I be concerned? She seems happy enough but I worry she's going to be under nourished?

Also I can only get her yo have 2/3oz at a time! She then stops, has a lil nap then will finish the rest 1hr later! It would be so much better (especially on a night) if she would have a good feed in 2 go! Any tips to make them keep eating?

Thanks ladies xxx

Mummy to DD Rosie - Born 22/07/2013 weighing 7lb3oz - Our Royal Princess

The recommended amount arejust guidelines and every baby is different so try not to worry that she's not exact.

She will know when she is full and refuse the bottle, as long as she seems happy, content and is growing well I wouldn't worry.

My lo is a fussy eater and will not always finish every bottle but he is cubby and a very happy little boy.


WSS^ :)

Just feed your LO when she's hungry, give her as much as she wants, and she'll let you know when she's had enough - she'll probably get herself into a routine shortly. Theres nothing to worry about as long as she's growing fine etc.

My LO doesnt have the daily amount, or as much in one sitting (we're lucky if he has 5oz in a sitting now and he's coming up to 22 weeks ) as the guidelines state, but he's fine.

All babies are different, so just stick with what your LO wants.
Thanks ladies! Been to get LO weighed today and health visitor has really pissed me off! She's gained 14oz in 2 1/2 weeks (7lb13oz to 8lb11oz). But apparently there not happy about this and want to see her again on Monday! How is that gain not good??! What do you think? Xx

Mummy to DD Rosie - Born 22/07/2013 weighing 7lb3oz - Our Royal Princess
It sounds fine to me i think...did they say why they wanted you back, did LO drop down a centile or something? Although im thinking it should still be along the same centile (roughly) wouldnt it?

Those centile graphs though, honestly *rolls eyes*. I take them with a pinch of salt. Your LO seems to me to be putting on weight fine though, id say 7lb.3oz to 8lb.11oz in 5 weeks (if ive got that right) is a good weight gain...cant remember the rate my LO grew at that age....

Lol, it could be something silly like you're 1oz off being on the correct centile or something :)
Yeah it's cos she went from the 50th to the 25th, but I've just checked the graphs and they plotted her last weigh in wrong!! They put her at 3750 but she was actually 3550! So if they had plotted it right she would never have been the 50th and would have always been around 25th!!

Idiots!! X

Mummy to DD Rosie - Born 22/07/2013 weighing 7lb3oz - Our Royal Princess
James always flitted between 25th and 9th centile and because of that we had to go for fortnightly weigh-ins (as opposed to monthly). Once he hit 25th centile 3 weigh-ins in a row we went to monthly!

Seems very OTT from your HV to have bub back so quickly and I am sure there is nothing to be worried about

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