Just had a terrible time


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Getting Tyler's BCG.

Just before I went in I had an argument with the staff.

I got there early enough, first one in the waiting room Ty in the car seat on the buggy, told them I was there, sat down and took him out for a feed. Gradually people turned up, all couples I was the only one on my own in the room.

When my number was called a woman (we'll call her SUC for stuck up cow) come over and says to me 'you can't take your buggy in' so I said ok can I leave it by the door, SUC say 'no it's against health and safety, you need to leave it outside' to which I said no (it cost us over £700!!!) I also told her I'm on my own with a small child, not that she cared! She told me to take the car seat (that was on the buggy) to which I said no I've had a c section She then said loudly to the room that I was 'refusing to take my child in and the next person can go in' yet everyone else was fussing over to me trying to take my bags off me offering to carry Tyler I was fuming and told her to wait and tried to ring my MIL and FIL who were in the car outside. It took a while and the SUC was huffing and puffing saying that she was getting the supervisor and to let the next person in. Luckily my 'built like a brick shut house' FIL walked in and asked her what the problem was so I asked him to take all my stuff and I took Tyler in.

The injection was horrible and he yelled! I wanted to cry, still do tbh!!

So when I came out my MIL was waiting and offered to get the buggy and I said no, I just wanted out of there.

My MIL apparently asked her if she remembered what it was like being a young mum, she apparently shut right up!

I'm so angry with them. I could've been a single mum on my own, in fact I was the only person there not in a couple you would've thought they might've helped me, but no!

Ahh Hun sounds like you had a terrible time!! I have a few SUC at y surgery too!

Have a nice cup of tea... And put your feet up! Dickinsons real deal is on xxx

Oh Hun !! Good on mil for putting suc I'm her place though !! Hope u r feeling better now xxx

Bloody hell, stupid suc!! Glad ur fil and mil could help. Some people are such nova they mist have sad angry lives to treat others how they do!! Hope Lo copes ok after the jab x
Lol @@@ SUC hahaha comedy genius!

What part of the country are you in pinky? Xx

You know the ONLY reason I took my buggy in was because my OH got told off at the hospital for walking around carrying the baby incase he slipped so I thought I'd look like a terrible mother walking with him in my arms, but SUC managed that with my buggy!

Sounds awful, I took Jacob on my own too, I had to take him to a clinic I never go to just to get it for him but was lucky that there was loads of space for my buggy, I would have helped you xxx

My hell was the bus! stupid driver let me on even though there was 2 buggy's on there already and I didn't know so I was stuck on there and OMG the evil looks people give you and I got off the next stop, I wouldn't have got on if I had known there was no space but geez people are fecking bitches on the bus! and I even said I'm really sorry had no idea both spaces were taken and they still gave me dirty looks and talked under their breathes about me, was terrible!
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Ha! No one tried to help me at all I was just stared at like I was scum. It was like I was some 'council house trash single mother who got herself info this mess' which is the negative opinion people snap to as soon as they see a young (I'm 23 so not the young) girl with a baby and I'd say 90% of the time is NOT the case!

I'd help if I saw someone in my situation not judge. I'm just happy he wasn't crying!!

Poor you. Stupid woman. Glad you mil and fil stuck up for you. I have to take lo for hospital checks by myself too amd know it's not easy at all x
What is it with these places? We went to get Lewy registered yesterday and they've put the room at the top of 2 flights of stairs with no lift, and the car park is half a mile away. How do they expect people to manage especially when we've had major surgery.
Sounds like a right nightmare, horrible suc, some people just haven't got a clue. It's a real eye opener life with a baby in a pram!
I'd complain as well. If she's that rude you'll prob not be the first person, and it might stop someone else having to go through it.

That really is disgusting :( I cannot believe no one helped you. And what a stupid cow she has no right working with vulnerable mothers and babies with an attitude like that i'd complain hun :hugs: xx

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