Just got back from consultant. INDUCTION DATE SET WOOOO


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Hey girls!
Well, seen consultant! Got an induction date for a week today! Wooo! Finally!!
Had a mw havin a fiddle up there too! She couldnt do a sweep as cervix was very high up, so im a bit gutted about that! But happy i got my induction date!!

Only downside is, il be started off on a ward - where normal visiting hours apply!! 12-8 for birthing partner and 3-5.30 for other ppl, well, there starting me off at 10am, am i just supposed to wait around on my own!? And then my mum go off at 8!? Im soo worried about that, i dont want to be contracting on my own!!!

Anyhow, id like some positive induction stories if you all have any!?!? Haha. Staying away from google as i know il frighten the life out of myself!! Lol. Hopefully he will come before next week though!

x x
Oooo, exiting times! Good luck with it, can't wait to see snaps of your new baba.

Im booked for induction a week tomorow, so would be fab to hear some good stories :)

Thats a bit crap about visiting hours?!!? How strict on that are they??
:love: so glad that you've got a date - maybe things will get moving on their own before that tho .... :yay: xx
I've been induced 2ce and whilst both were fine really my 2nd i would consider really positive. You never know, the prostaglandins might set you off but 2ce i needed the drip. this last time, the contractions started really gradually as I'd made them promise they would be gentle with me lol. they were really mangeable with gas and air til 7cm. thw mw examined me and said I was 7cm and i was so dissappointed as it was starting t really hurt!:(. then she shouted at me to stop pushing which i wasn't aware i was and all of a sudden oscar flew out x quick and easy lol (though I woukdn't have said that at the time!!)
:yay: Great news hun! I have never had an induction so no info there, sorry.. Good luck :yay: xx
Thanks girls! :)

Well, i remember from last time on the ward after i had given birth they were very strict there, but not sure how it works on a maternity ward.

So nervous - but on the upside its been what iv wanted for aaaages! They wanted to wait til i was 14 days over! I said not a soddin chance! So now il be 9 days over and hopefully wont take long!
Mw also told me to go in without nail polish on!!!!??
Which im suuuper gutted about as its the only thing that makes me feel normal and i also have false nails on my fingers which im goin to have to rip off!!!! I asked why and she mentioned about theatre and if your losin oxygen it would show up in fingernails...but i was like bloody hell talk about the worst case scenario!!!!!

I had an induction when I was 14 days over :) It was boring but I feel quite positive about it. I has the pessary put in at 10am and started contracting at 8pm which was when the visiting hours ended so FOB had to leave which was crap, but I rested and walked around the ward so it wasnt too bad. Got examed 24 hours later and I was 3cm so taken down to labour ward to have my waters broken at 11am. I was checked again 2 hours later and was 10cm :) It ended in a section but that was because baby was stuck, nothing to do with being induced. Ive only had one child but I dont think it would be any more painful and didnt feel it was longer than a normal delivery, infact, I thought it was all very quick lol.

As soon as you think you want your birthing partner there Id say just ask and I imagine theyll be a bit more relaxed with the rules. I got FOB to turn up dead on 9am and no one batted an eyelid :)

Good luck with it! :D x

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