just found out from blood tests


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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that my bean was probably only at gestation 5-6 weeks when it stopped developing and that it was a missed mc.....as in it took my body a further 4-5 weeks to realise and bleed:roll: I kind of knew this as I didn't feel pregnant from about 8 weeks and the sac I passed wasn't really any bigger than the one I lost last time which measured 5 weeks (but lost at 7 weeks).

My levels only hours after the pregnancy had passed were only 3470 which is really low for a 10 week pregnancy - and they were 1747 48 hours later......and just had the last test today a week since the last one....they think it should be around 500 now...will find out later today.............

Oh well, at least i know now that if when I get preggo again and have a scan at 8 weeks I am passed the stage it was before.
So horrible it took 4-5 weeks when i went for my 13 week scan last year baby died at 9 weeks and still waited another couple weeks for a erpc an no feelings of mc starting. I couldnt believe body could still think its preg for that long. How are you feeling? Im still so teary wish my hormones would hurry up an dissapear. Looks like urs are close to going thats good news xxxx
tests went neg 9 days after my last mc, but still have half as dark lines on them now 10 days since this one! they haven't called with results yet....but i'm guessing if they reckon around 500 then I still have quite a lot of hormone and won't be gearing up to ov anytime soon!

i am still quite teary, but more feelings of frustration and anger! I was going to be 12 weeks today! milestone that I was so close to getting to. (although not really if baby died 4-5 weeks ago!). I dont' think i was destined to have a 2013 baby :(
Hugs sounds like my first one I was 10 weeks but baby was only 5.5 and second I was 10 weeks baby had got to week 7-8 my body has a realy hard time realising this and mis carrying on its own :-( it just does not want to let go :-( so cruel xxx
just had blood test results - hcg down to 88! so that's a big drop....they were suprised it had come down so fast. :) looks like my plan to ov soon may be on schedule after all - fingers crossed.

also my temps were back to my usual baseline today for the first time 97.58 :)
Oh hun, sorry your still in limbo with all this, but very clever they can tell that from the bloods, as I know you were annoyed you didn't make it to the scan to see what gestation, so good they can tell you roughly.

And wow down to 88! thats a huge drop... See your 2014 baby plans are back on track , bring on the xmas babys, you already have one, lets get you another one x
Iwant3 - sorry to hear that it was only 5 weeks :-(
Sending huge hugs xx
Ovulation may happen sooner, from experience mine both happened almost two weeks to the day of my first BFN. I used some new ovulation tests I got from babymad this month, and they were excellent, they came up almost immediately and were more accurate than the monitor, which was a bloody waste of money!
if ov in next 2 weeks and get a bfp the due date would be v near my daughters birthday. i would love another xmas baby
If I catch second go I march my due date would be my daughters bd 22nd December I would also love another Xmas baby :) x
let's hope we both get our Xmas bundles :)
It took 2 weeks for me to get negative test last time ,still got really strong lines been 8 days now but sooo inpatient i hate still having the hormones its like i cant move on properly. Good luck hun i bet u will get a baby this year sure u will ov soon and catch that egg xxx

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