Just for fun


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Feb 27, 2011
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Just for fun
Today, 08:52 AM #1

Just thought it would be fun to get to know each other a lillte better, copy and paste the questions and answer them

How old are you?
Are you married?
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed?
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
What time do you go to bed most nights?
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
Do you mind strangers touching your bump?
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?
When will you return to work?
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant?
Is this your last pregnancy?
How old are you?28
Are you married?yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3
Will you breastfeed? yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? erm no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? YES!!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?Not sure weigh, im 33wks
Was your pregnancy planned?yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take?4 months
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? yes
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? 15 weeks
When will you return to work? Hope to work yes
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? increase
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? dont drink
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? from my last son
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? eating lol
Is this your last pregnancy? not sure
How old are you? 28
Are you married? not yet ;)
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2
Will you breastfeed? no
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? eugh...no!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 9ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? nope
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 29+3 and i havent weighed myself and dont intend to lol
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? had sex :rofl: & 3rd cycle for angel bean 5th cycle for this one
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? oh yesss!!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? cant really remember, quite early on though
When will you return to work? no idea!
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? decreased without doubt :eh:
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? if out for a meal and a small one at that!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? 2nd hand
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best, feeling my LO move, worst, all the bad and crappy symptoms, sickness, aches, heartburn etc!
Is this your last pregnancy? yep :)

well that was intimate hahahaha!!!! xx
How old are you? 21
Are you married? Not married
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2 or 3
Will you breastfeed? I'll give it a good go!
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? I didn't eat it when I wasn't. Yuk!!
What time do you go to bed most nights? Around 9pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? I had terrible morning sickness for about 7 weeks!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? I'm 27 weeks today YAY and I've gained about 4 pounds
Was your pregnancy planned? Unplanned but not unwanted
How did you concieve and how long did it take? The natural way and it took about 20 minutes...
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? I'd rather they didn't...
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? I felt some around 22 weeks but nothing since.
When will you return to work? A couple of months after baby's born
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I don't think it's that complicated to be honest. Apart from not being able to have my steak bloody and vomitting for 7 weeks I'd say it's pretty easy going so far...TOUCH WOOD.
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? It's disappeared. Gone. Completely.
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? I had one for my 21st birthday a couple of weeks ago, and that was a spritzer, but that's all I've had and all I will have.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing - being able to grow another life inside me and not having to think about how to do it! Worst thing - not being able to eat my steak rare :(
Is this your last pregnancy? I hope not.

:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
How old are you? 28
Are you married? No
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? We're aiming for 4
Will you breastfeed? Yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No
What time do you go to bed most nights? Around 10ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 29+5 and put on just over 1 stone
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Conceived naturally after about 6 months
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yes
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Around 20 weeks
When will you return to work? Own my own business with OH so when I want really
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Some
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased, mainly because I just can't be bothered
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No, but only because I haven't really felt like it, did have half a Guiness though as I was really craving it, think it was my iron levels
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing is feeling the little man wriggle around and kicking, worse is the waiting!
Is this your last pregnancy? I hope not
How old are you? 25
Are you married? yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3
Will you breastfeed? I'm definitely going to try
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no, looking forward to it afterwards!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? yes, just once. Otherwise just felt it!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 36+3, not weighed myself
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? naturally, starting trying on wedding night and it took 1 month
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? YES!!!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? around 30 weeks, but not sure...
When will you return to work? after a year off with Bubs
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? not the extent, no
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? stayed the same
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? no
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best: excitement for Bubs, worst: constantly worrying about things :-/
Is this your last pregnancy? I hope not
How old are you? 22
Are you married? Engaged since Christmas 2010!
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? Who knows? I'd like maybe 3? Depends on how this first one goes I guess lol
Will you breastfeed? Ill try, but am not going to force it if it doesn't work. Would be nice though!
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Wouldn't touch it normally, so hardly gonna take it up when pregnant lol (missing that swordfish though lol)
What time do you go to bed most nights? Half 10ish, depending on how tired I am
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Luckily, no, but felt like I was going to loads in tri 1!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 28+4, and have put on 1st 3lbs already!!
Was your pregnancy planned? Sort of, we didn't intend for it to happen this quick! (We were going to start trying the month after we conceived! oops!)
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Well.. By the birds and the bees! And minus a month lol
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yeh, I think so.
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Havent had any yet :(
When will you return to work? No idea! I can't even decide what I'm doing tomorrow!
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes and no. There's a lot of stuff they don't tell you I've realised! But I knew about the restrictions and stuff.
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Unfortunately for my OH, its disappeared completely :(
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? I had one before I found out I was pregnant, and haven't since, but I don't see the problem in having the odd one if you want to! (Everything in moderation lol)
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New - Luckily, a gift from the new proud grandparents-to-be!
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing = feeling my baby inside of me, seeing baby's scans, and hearing baby's heartbeat! Worst thing = a scare we had, and the back pain (owieee)
Is this your last pregnancy I hope not!
How old are you?25
Are you married?No
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2 or 3
Will you breastfeed? No
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11 or 12
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? yes alot
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? dont know weight, 28wks
Was your pregnancy planned?Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take?3 years excatly, just happened when we moved house and our minds were else were and not stressing :dance:
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yes, but hasnt happened yet just a few people have felt bump and they asked is it was ok
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?27 wks
When will you return to work? Dont know yet
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased poor OH
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No, but did have a drink (neck of a wkd) for the bells
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New and sitting ready to go
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best - feeling her move about and beat me up lol worst - heartburn and not being able to see her
Is this your last pregnancy? Hopefuly not
How old are you? 28
Are you married? no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3
Will you breastfeed? yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? eurgh no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? yes but not a lot
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 37+5, and 16lb weight gain
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? 2nd cycle i thought but scan dated me to 1st month of tryin, and obviously sex hehehe
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? i would, but havent really got one that stiicks out so strangers dont know :)
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? never had them with any pregnancy
When will you return to work? May 2013
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? decreased until 3rd tri then increased loads lol
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? yes
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? its new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? likes, baby kicking, moving etc, dislike, hearthburn, aches and kicked in the ribs
Is this your last pregnancy? possibly the last, although cant rule it out completely :) xx

How old are you? 25
Are you married? Engaged
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? Would like 3
Will you breastfeed? Yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Don't eat it when not pregnant!!
What time do you go to bed most nights? Between 10 and 11
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? A few times
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 36+3 and 17lb
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally, took 3 months since coming off the pill
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yes! I hate it when people go straight for the bump!!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? 32 weeks
When will you return to work? Early 2013 hopefully
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Had one at xmas
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best is feeling LO move and getting nursery all ready. Worst is the anxiety about whether LO is ok and heartburn :-(
Is this your last pregnancy? Hope not :)
How old are you? 19 today; its my birthday :D
Are you married? Not yet :) One step at a time ;)
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 4, OH wants 3 but im sure I can twist his arm :p
Will you breastfeed? I am expressing breastmilk then bottle feeding? Just to be awkward :p
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No urghhh; wouldnt eat it if I wasnt!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11/12; last night was at 7 though :S Woops
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Nope :)
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? Im 38weeks+5 and put on a stone :/
Was your pregnancy planned? No, we had decided to wait until I finished my course but a holiday to Spain put the end to that idea :p We are over the moon though and I managed to finish my diploma early :)
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Err... the usual way? Lol. It took one night on holidays in Benidorm :p
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yes; it annoys me!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Still havent had any!! According to some people I probably am but "cant feel them" but I havent felt so much as a niggle :(
When will you return to work? When bubz is 6 months I am going to start working part time, full time maybe at a later stage but Il see how things go :)
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No!! Found out Im rhesus negative, and have a weak cervix so been in hosp with lots of scares caused by bleeding and had to get injections each time :( Its so stressful too :(
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? It has died...
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No, dont agree with that but have no problem with those who do
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Its second-hand and gorgeous :D!! Got a real bargain as I knew the lady; its only a couple of months old and she sold it to me cheap cause she knows me :D
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing = kicks and the pleasure of growin a baby!! Worst thing = how long it bloomin takes to cook a baby! (not literally cook one :L)
Is this your last pregnancy? For a while YES. Im young, think itl be at least 5 years before we think of number 2

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How old are you? 31, I turn 32 next week, just realised I am the oldest on this list!!!
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2, but shush OH doesn;t know I'm planning on another one :)
Will you breastfeed? Yes, and if it doesn;t go well I will be persistent with it
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? I don't like cookedd fish anyway so the thought of rare fish makes me wanna hurl
What time do you go to bed most nights? around 9 - 9.30 at the moment just so tired
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Only once, but I did feel rough for ages
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? I am 34 weeks and I lost a stone at the beginning and that is all I have put back on
Was your pregnancy planned?Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? When we were very very drunk for OH b'day and 3 years in total
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Not if they ask, if they don;t ask I glare :)
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? hmm about 32 weeks I think
When will you return to work? If I have my way not for ages, I have a feeling I will need to though
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes and No
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased poor hubby
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Brand new and is a gift from his gran, we picked it and she paid so it is at her house currently
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing - Him moving, I love it, worst - the aches and pains I am getting now :sad:
Is this your last pregnancy? No not by a long shot
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How old are you? 34
Are you married? Divorced, now in a relationship
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3?
Will you breastfeed? Yes, but won't beat myself up if I don't do it for long!
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Not while pregnant, any other time though I definitely would!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 1o ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? I vomited for England!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 30+, gained just under a stone
Was your pregnancy planned? It was a very happy surprise!
How did you concieve and how long did it take? 1 month
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yes, very much so!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? 16 weeks I think
When will you return to work? March 1st 2013
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes, I had most of them last time!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Yes
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best - knowing my little person is happy in there. Worst - sickness!
Is this your last pregnancy? I hope not
How old are you? 31, I turn 32 next week, just realised I am the oldest on this list!!!

Nope, i'm 35 in a few weeks! :)

I beat you both !!! lol

How old are you? 40
Are you married? Yes (hubby is 30 :) )
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? See how 1 goes
Will you breastfeed? Def plan to but won't stress if can't
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Not even when not pregnant
What time do you go to bed most nights? If working late shift after 10.30pm :-(, If DH home usually 10 or weekends mite even make 12 but if DH working 9pm :)
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 30+. Am afraid to stand on scales cos before pregnancy I was doing up to 6 spinning classes a week plus walking dog loads so has to be way too much :-(
Was your pregnancy planned? Definitely
How did you concieve and how long did it take? normal way, 7 months after previous MC
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? YES
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? think I've had them but not entirely sure
When will you return to work? planning March 2013
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased :-(
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Yes but have only had 1 glass at Christmas
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best - knowing lo growing and feeling him moving, worst - worrying that everything ok and not being able to sleep properly cos of pains and not getting comfortable
Is this your last pregnancy? ???
How old are you? 29
Are you married? will be next weekend!!
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2 or 3
Will you breastfeed? Going to try, but if I can't do it, then won't be forcing it
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? only occassionaly
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 28 weeks, and not weighed myself!
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? naturally and 3 months
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? yes
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? not sure if I've had them yet
When will you return to work? taking 9 months, and will see from there
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? completley died on me!!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? yes
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best, all the movements, and putting the nursery together ready for her arrival!
Is this your last pregnancy? I hope not!
How old are you? 19 today; its my birthday :D
Are you married? Not yet :) One step at a time ;)
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 4, OH wants 3 but im sure I can twist his arm :p
Will you breastfeed? I am expressing breastmilk then bottle feeding? Just to be awkward :p
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No urghhh; wouldnt eat it if I wasnt!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11/12; last night was at 7 though :S Woops
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Nope :)
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? Im 38weeks+5 and put on a stone :/
Was your pregnancy planned? No, we had decided to wait until I finished my course but a holiday to Spain put the end to that idea :p We are over the moon though and I managed to finish my diploma early :)
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Err... the usual way? Lol. It took one night on holidays in Benidorm :p
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yes; it annoys me!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Still havent had any!! According to some people I probably am but "cant feel them" but I havent felt so much as a niggle :(
When will you return to work? When bubz is 6 months I am going to start working part time, full time maybe at a later stage but Il see how things go :)
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No!! Found out Im rhesus negative, and have a weak cervix so been in hosp with lots of scares caused by bleeding and had to get injections each time :( Its so stressful too :(
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? It has died...
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No, dont agree with that but have no problem with those who do
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Its second-hand and gorgeous :D!! Got a real bargain as I knew the lady; its only a couple of months old and she sold it to me cheap cause she knows me :D
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing = kicks and the pleasure of growin a baby!! Worst thing = how long it bloomin takes to cook a baby! (not literally cook one :L)
Is this your last pregnancy? For a while YES. Im young, think itl be at least 5 years before we think of number 2

Happy birthday xx

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