just for fun december buddies:-) xx

Aimee lou

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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Oki doki dec ladies......wat do u think the sex of ur baby is???? Its just for fun and wud be good to see which of us are right....my chinese predictor says girl but i think boy xxx just a feeling xxx
i have no idea so far but predicted a boy i just have no sways at the mo as to wat it could be x
I've not got a clue at the moment and the Chinese indicator shows me a boy if I caught the 31st of March when I ov'ed and a girl for April so totally in the middle based on my dates lol xx
I keep sayin he him etc thts why am sayin boy ...x
i notice ur from up north doob where up north u from ? mine say boy but we shall have to wait till i give birth as im team yellow all the way xx
I'm currently living in Sheffield though from Leeds originally. I think we're going to find out but I'm not bothered either way really x
ahhh im up near middlesbrough so a bit further north with a very northern accent lol
yer i would say dodgy common accent north hahaha x
Im a northerner too .... Good ol mancunian lol.anyone else from manchester xxx
ahhh another northerner hehe i know a few ppl live in manc that i bhave met over the yrs on tinternet :) and yes go to ur user cp top left corner n thats is were all the settings are says summet like change avatar summet like that go in there and upload from ur pc :) xx

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