Just come back from midwife ... ARGH!! ****updated****


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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hello everyone!

Well went to the midwife today for a routine appointment - but LO is playing up! :?

My BP was through the roof and baby's heartbeat was really fast! :cry: I was in there for over 30 minutes while they checked everything out. (normally I am in and out in 10 mins max!) Eventually the heartbeat came within the acceptable range ( just) but BP still high. No protein in urine though so thats a good sign. Student midwife measured my bump and I am sure she said 40 which is way bigger than it should be at this stage :shock: ( according to my chart) - but midwfie didn't write it down..
I have to go back and see the midwife on Wednesday and if things are the same I have to be admitted to the day unit!!! :shock: ( hopefully she will double check my bump size and let me know what sging on there!

She has told me to rest - I thought I was having a lazy day today!!! and have done no housework or anything and still BP is high!!!

Baby is not engaged ( I was so convinced that he/she was because of the way my bump has changed!)and the pressure/pain I have been feeling in my pelvis! Midwife made a passing comment about getting it out at 38 weeks if the pain gets too bad! :shock: Anyone else heard of this??????

I am not sure how I feel about induction except that I have been told it is more painful and I won't be able to have a water birth!

So now at home with a cuppa stressed out that BP is too high and baby may be induced at 38 weeks because I can't cope with the pelvic pain! Not what the midwife had in mind when she told me to rest I am sure!!!!

Oh Lyns, im sorry to hear all of this!!

My advice is to really try and chill out and try and get that BP down. If that comes down by Wed you prob wont have to go to the unit etc and can hold out a little longer, I know how much you want your water birth.

Awww Lyndsey, you poor thing. :hug:

You really must try and relax and chill ut hun, just to get your BP down, get your feet up and realx, s hard as it may be hun. :hug:
pop your feet up. have some cake :)

As for the induction and water birth. Ive been given the impression that once labour had become established i could contiune like 'normal' in terms of pain relief. Just that i needed more monitoring.

Plus, you are being monitored, so if something is up, they will spot it!

hope you feel happier soon! :hug:
the only reason you may not be able to have a water birth is because they like to monitor you more closely with an induction and they may have to put you on a drip but i dont know if this would stop you.
i was induced at 36 weeks due to pre eclampcia and i couldnt have a water birth due to the drip they used to get me into established labour but dont know if this is the norm
Aww Lyndsey what a pain :shakehead: I hope things are back to normal at your next appointment :hug:
Thanx everyone.....

If I do choose induction then I would have to be on a consultant lead unit and there is no facility there for a water birth - I can only have that if it is a "normal delivery" up on the midwife lead unit..... so I have some thinking to do.... But it may not be an issue anyway as it was only made as a passing comment..... wasn't sure if she was serious!! :shock: will know more on wednesday.

As for the BP - I am doing nothing! ( apart from researching some info for a uni assignment but that involves sitting on my bum at the comp so can't see that raising my BP.... :? I hope this baby causes less trouble when he/she is out!!!!!( yeah right!) :D

The only way to look at it is to do whatever would be best for baby hun. :hug:
And what is best for the baby is to relax. I understand you have work to do but try not to stay at the comp too long. It will stress you out.

Look after yourself hun. Good luck x
oh lyndsey :hug: I had lots and lots of pain with my pelvis too but they never bloody suggested to induce me, and we have same midwife lol! I'll give that pat a peice of my mind :rotfl: only kiding!

I'm sure they wouldn't induce you for being uncomfy if you feel you can go the extra few weeks, i felt like my pelvis was actually gonna drop out of me and i couldn't get up to walk some days but i managed and went overdue too. But if you can't cope with the pain, 37 weeks is classed as term anyway so baby would be fine at 38 weeks...whatever is best for baby, just keep thinking that if you do get induced :) :hug:

I did reply to u on msn but u are set as away.

Hope your feeling a bit better now :hug:
hey there!!

Yeah I have been thinking and I would rather let baby decide what day to come don't want him/her to be under cooked!!! I am not working at the min so I can tolerate the pain - nightimes are the worse though and I am having real problems getting comfy....... Did see your reply on MSN sorry went to the new chinese in Newcastle yum yum!!!!!
will have to try that :D

Night times were the worst for me too, it was right mither turning over in bed, it took about 6 little shuffles and half an hour to do it :( and it hurt so much.

Do what u think is best, but if u can't stand the pain baby will be fine at 38 weeks. :hug:
Hello all!

Got back from midwife this afternoon and everything is ok. No protein in urine, BP still raised but less than it was on Monday and bubba is fine!!

Aparently the head is now really low although still not engaged ( I am dreading that part as the pressure in my pelvis is extreme now!)

Got to have "complete bedrest" over the weekend to see midwife again on Monday...... I know that I won't be able to stay in bed from now until then but I am going to be sensible and not do any housework!

Dont overdo it babe. Use this opportunity to get other people to do the housework for you :wink:

Some babies engage during labour, so dont worry to much if its not there yet. :hug: xx
set yourself up in front of the tv with someone who will provide tea and cake whenever you want it! hehe.

Glad BP is down and LO is doing good. :hug:
oo yes that does sounds good :dance: - I do have the entire collection of Charmed on DVD to watch ( apart from series 7) and the complete series of Buffy.................. I may make a start on them!! Then I could get down all the disney Vids from the loft to make sure they still work!!!! :think:

ooo!! disney films! :cheer:

soon it will be nothing but christmas films on tv!
yay i love xmas films :lol:

You can make it to 40 weeks Lyndsey :cheer: , then make them induce u at 40 weeks so u don't go over muhaha! :hug:

I wish i'd of mentioned my pelvic pain to pat, maybe she would have suggested to induce me! But pat wasnt my 1st midwife, the midwife who i told about it said it's fine and it was just the baby lying funny so I never mentioned it again even though I was in agony! :wall:
Pat is wonderful.... although 40 weeks for me is bang on Christmas! Not sure I want to be in hospital then! Its either 38-39 weeks or 41-42! lol

Baby are you listening??? :think: lol

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